4 questions minimum 500 words please include a minimum of 2 references in APA format

User Generated


Business Finance


Initial post: Your supervisor asks you to see a critical client who is high risk for harming others. He is a 25 year old veteran who is starting to show signs of aggression in your office when he talks about his 18 year old ex-fiancé who just left him for his best friend. You are going to open this case and need to explain to the client the limits of confidentiality and Tarasoff law.

  • Discuss the limits of confidentiality and Tarasoff law with this client and why they are important.
  • How will you present this information to the client? Explain one way you would approach each of these legal issues.
  • If he is unable to get his aggression under control, what might be your course of action?
  • Identify one ethical issue in this case. Explain one way you would approach the ethical issue.

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Explanation & Answer


Running head: Confidentiality and Tarasoff Law

Confidentiality and Tarasoff law
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Confidentiality and Tarasoff law


It is important to note that clients have a right of confidentiality in regards to the
information they share with professionals. It is an ethical responsibility that needs to be observed
in order to properly deliver appropriate service that would benefit the client. Even so, there are
limits to the confidentiality matter. This is normally for the purposes of safety of the client and/or
those around them. Stipulated in the Tarasoff law, professionals are obliged to reveal
confidential information about the client if there are chances of inducing harm to themselves, or
others around them. Depending on the angle that one looks ...

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