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Response Guidelines ED Provide your thoughts on the strengths noted to the post below, comparing their perspectives to yours. Ask any question that will help you better understand their perspectives and move the discussion forward. Your response must be a minimum of 200 words in length. Include at least two APA-formatted citation (in-text, as well as the full reference). The citation may be from course textbooks, assigned readings, or an outside source Topic of discussion post The Leader I Am Versus the Leader I Aspire to Be For your initial post to this discussion, summarize your findings. Describe what you already knew about your leadership style and skills and what you have newly identified about yourself. What about your leadership style would you like to retain? What would you like to change? Why? What must you do to accomplish this? When constructing your posts for this discussion, use of first person voice is acceptable and encouraged. Discussion response This assignment allowed me to reflect on who I am as a leader and what skills I need to help me get to where I want to be. As I read each question, I began to think of situations and outcomes that have created me to be the leader that I am today. Leading with conviction; Generating Informal Power; and Mindful Decision Making are strong and comfortable areas of competency for me (Dye & Garman, 2015). In my current role as a nurse manager, I have had a lot of experience understanding and developing goals for my division. Networking and creating relationships has taught me how to get things done outside of my division through support services. Making decisions with consideration to outcomes, who the outcomes affect and how it affects them, is critical in nursing leadership. Assessing my weaknesses was not hard for me. Using Emotional Intelligence is an area where I will always seek growth. I work very hard to be aware of my emotions; however, I want to continue to work on Using Emotional Intelligence to be able to interact with those who do not keep their emotions in check. Regarding my leadership style, I already knew that I was a transformational leader; but the assessment confirmed it. Per Wang, Wilhite, and Martino (2016), a study has shown that the self-assessments of school leaders whose subordinates agreed with their ratings, showed strong correlation with emotional competence and the self-ratings of transformational leadership. I practice leadership in a way that I hold myself accountable and I strongly believe in being truthful and being transparent. I will also continue to work on my mentorship skills. I encourage others and support them to achieve their goals; however, offering mentorship is something I find to be difficult. I have begun the Self-Development Plan and it is very useful helping me to have a starting point and have a way to monitor my progress. (Dye & Garman, 2015). References Dye, F., & Garman, N. (2015). Exceptional Leadership: 16 Critical Competencies for Healthcare Executives, 2nd Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/ /books/9781567936735/ Wang, N., Wilhite, S., & Martino, D. (2016). Understanding the relationship between school leaders’ social emotional competence and their transformational leadership: The importance of self-other agreement. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 44(3), 467490. https://doi-org.library.capella.edu/10.1177/1741143214558568
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Response: The Leader I Am Versus the Leader I Aspire to Be




We often times aspire to be certain leaders, but how many times do we stop on the
way to ask ourselves on what kind of leaders we are? I admire how you have take upon

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