technology essay question

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Topic: the issues of automation, “miswanting,” the differences between the human brain and the computers, and tacit vs explicit knowledge.

“the pleasures of having to do less were real, but they faded. A new emotion set in: boredom”

Have you ever experienced less pleasure after a task became automated? Why is the importance of “miswanting” crucial to our understanding of automation? What if any things do you believe can never become automated, because of the unique qualities of the human brain?

300-500 words


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Automation Essay
As automation takes its place increasingly in industry, mainly in the industry with highrisk, often it is held responsible for becoming the reason for harm and raising the human error
chance when failures take place. I believe that the problem is because of the inappropriate
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operations, the operations are appropriately performed, but there are insufficient interactions and
feedback with the humans who need to contr...

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