​Analyze the different attempts at conversion made by Protestants and Catholics in the New World

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Analyze the different attempts at conversion made by Protestants and Catholics in the New World. Which group was more successful and why?

300-500 words

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Attempts at conversion made by Protestants and Catholics in the New World
The remarking of modern Catholicism we look at Pope Francis. The Pope`s actions and
deeds have surpassed the expectations of many individuals in the world. Pope`s Francis effect has
taken place positively in the modern world since he has done a lot of things to realize the mission
of the Roman church in the world. He has achieved little within a short period, and it is remarkable.
Pope Francis is a correct definition of an exemplary and transformative leader. He has modeled
the way, encouraged the hearts of many people. He has enabled individuals to take action and
shared the prophetic vision at the same time challenging the status quo. The po...

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