Essay for beginner

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Delaware Technical and Community College - Stanton-Wilmington


take your time and write. but please submit before due date. if you need to know something let me know. and thank you.

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Student Writing Assignment • • • You will have a half hour to respond to the following statement in a 2-3 paragraph essay:  Describe how one past or current world event, concept, invention, etc. influenced one of the following: politics, religion, business or culture? Think about how to wisely use your time  Take 3-5 minutes to plan the essay.  Take 18-22 minutes to write the essay.  Take the last 5 minutes to proofread and correct. Also think about the elements that all good writing shares  A clear thesis statement or controlling idea that previews the rest of the essay ▪ For an essay this short, thinking of something specific than thinking of something broad.  Ample and specific evidence that supports the persuasive argument of the thesis statement  Clear transitions and logical connections between ideas and evidence  Writing that is free of grammatical errors and typos (MUGs=Mechanics, Usage, and Grammar) After a half hour has elapsed, upload your Word document to the SafeAssignment in Week 1 for credit.
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Hello here is the assignment please go through it and let me know in case of anything, I hope it is to your expectation. Goodbye



Student name
Marxism as the basis of Bolshevism
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Both a researcher and a political extremist, Marx tended to an extensive variety of
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