Task Analysis

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Unit 3 Assignment: Task Analysis In this Assignment, you will describe the needs assessment process and its connection to a real organization. Select an organization that you are sufficiently positioned with to get the information you need for this Assignment. It could be a company you have worked with or a nonprofit organization with which you have had some experience. It will be more difficult to complete the Assignment if you select an organization where you are an outsider, unable to gather the needed information. Remember that a job is a specific position involving the completion of specific tasks. A task is what the employee does in a specific job. To complete the tasks, employees must have levels of knowledge, skills, ability and other conditions (KSAOs). In order to help you become more familiar with HRD professional articles, this Assignment has a reference requirement. One article from TD (formerly T + D). Use this link once you are in the Library to find TD articles:http://library.kaplan.edu/HR410/hrd_articles_help Worksheet: Use the Unit 3 Worksheet located in Course Resources. NOTE: If you elect to use the course text as a reference, take care to use quotation marks for direct quotations; for example, “Training and development can help a company’s competitiveness by directly increasing the company’s value through contributing to intangible assets” (Noe, 2017, p.17). NOTE: If you use the course text as a reference and elect to paraphrase, take care to cite properly. Here is an example of paraphrasing with correct citation: Intangible assets are important for any company. One way their value can be increased is a strategic use of training and development (Noe,

UNIT 3 ASSIGNMENT WORKSHEET (Note the length requirement of 900 words)

Name of Organization (single sentence)

Job (minimum of one paragraph)

What ONE job would you use for your task analysis and why?

Task (minimum of one paragraph)

How would you identify a preliminary list of tasks performed in this job?

Validation (minimum of one paragraph)

How would you validate these tasks?

KSAOs (minimum of one paragraph for each of the following)

How would you determine the KSAOs involved in ONE of those tasks?

How difficult for employee to get those task KSAOs?

Should the task KSAOs be condition of employment…or trained after the hire? Why?

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Explanation & Answer




Task Analysis for Nutrition
Name of Student
Institutional Affiliation




The role of a nutritionist at O’Malley’s Organic Foods is an exciting opportunity for any
dietician. It requires one to have studied food and dietetics at the college level. As a nutritional
professional, one is tasked with the duty to plan and lead nourishment benefit or dietary projects
to aid the advancement of well-being and control of illnesses. They also needed to provide
oversight of a division giving amount sustenance administrations, guide people, or lead
wholesome research. Nutritionists survey the general prosperity of their clients. In perspective
of their revelations, dietitians and nutritionists provoke clients on the specific sustenance to eat
and those specifics to side-step to advance their wellbeing. A few dietitians give changed
information to particular individuals. For instance, a nutritionist may advise a client with
hypertension how to use less salt while preparing dinners while others work with social
occasions of people who have near requirements. A dietitian may plan an eating routine with
compelled fats and high sugars to empower patients to get more fit. They may work with other
restorative administrations specialists to encourage persevering...

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