write 250-300 words ( My topic is about Fast food and obesity in United States)

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This project asks you to analyze the arguments that two stakeholder organizations make about their conflicting views on a given issue. You will find common ground between their two viewpoints, and suggest a compromise that both stakeholders can actually do.

These guiding questions will help you choose two specific stakeholder organizations with seemingly incompatible viewpoints about an issue. After you have answered the questions, use the rest of the assignment sheet to start drafting your paper, or follow your instructor's directions.

  • List at least ten stakeholder groups that have a voice or viewpoint on your topic.
  • Choose four specific stakeholder organizations and write their slogans or mission statements. You can find slogans or mission statements on the organization's website. Be sure to cite your sources.
  • Analyze two stakeholder organizations that seem to have conflicting viewpoints on your topic. What are their viewpoints, and how are they different?
  • Stay with your two stakeholder organizations from question 3. What do they have in common? Describe the goals or values that the organizations share.
  • Given the shared goals and values that your two organizations share, describe a part of your topic that they could both agree on—that's your common ground.
  • Explain how your two stakeholder organizations could achieve a compromise. What would each stakeholder organization have to contribute? What would each stakeholder organization have to give up?
  • What needs to happen to accomplish your compromise? Prove that your compromise will actually work using research.

Unless your instructor has told you otherwise, you should begin drafting your argument below. Write a draft of your thesis statement and 250 words about your stakeholder organizations, their common ground, and your proposed compromise.

after you read the instruction write about my topic

( My topic is about Fast food and obesity in United States)

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Explanation & Answer

here it is

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Addressing Fast Foods And Obesity in the U.S.


Among the major fast food and obesity stakeholder organizations in the U.S. include the
Obesity Action Organization, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, the African American
Collaborative Obesity Research Network, the World Health Organization, the America
Government, the McDonalds, Fast Food Facts, the Taco Bell Foundation for kids, and the
National Center for He...

Just what I needed…Fantastic!


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