I need a Journal Review paper done by Sat. for my HIS_201 history class

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I need a Journal Review paper is to find a journal article on a topic that relates to our studies and write a comprehensive review. Chapter Book- The American Pageant Vol. 1: to 1877 (Anything that's dealing with Ch.1New World Beginnings, Ch.2The Planting of English America, Ch.3 Settling The Northern Colonies ect). The review must be at least 500 words to receive full credit and you must provide a complete citation and link to the article you used. I also have to submit it through safeassign so no plagiarism. I will attach the instructions of the journal review also for guidance.The only acceptable File Formats: .zip, .doc, .docx, .docm, .ppt, .pptx, .odt, .txt, .pdf, .rtf and .html. English wording

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Instructions for Writing a Journal Review Here is the best way to locate journal articles for your review assignment      Go to Student Resource Center (left side of Blackboard screen) Click Calhoun Library Under Top Databases, choose Academic Search Premier Type your topic in the Search bar and check Full Text and Scholarly Journal That brings up a list of potential articles for your review. If you don't see anything you can use, you may have to narrow or change your topic. 1. Read the entire article. Many journal articles can be quite complex and use complicated wording and statistics. You may need to read the article a few times before you get a full grasp of it. 2. Write a citation for the journal article at the top of the review. You will need the title of the article, the journal where the article is published, the volume and issue number, publication date, author's name and page numbers for the article. 3. Write a summary of the article. This should be one to two paragraphs, depending on the length of the article. 4. Relate the article to our studies in the next few paragarphs. Does it confirm what you read in the text, expand on the information, or does it differ in some way? What is your opinion of the article- did you find it interesting, challenging? Discuss any flaws with the article, how you think it could have been better and what you think it all means. 5. Write one final paragraph. Why did you choose this article? What interests you about this subject/period of history? What did you learn from it and what questions do you still have that might lead to further study? Your journal should be a minimum of 500 words. Proof read your journal before you submit- points will be deducted for mechanical errors (spelling, grammer, punctuation.)
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Kennedy, David M., and Lizabeth Cohen. American Pageant. Cengage Learning, 2015.
(Chapter 3 - Settling The Northern Colonies)

English Puritans established the colonies of New England. While most Puritans tried to
"purify" the Church of England from inside, and not to split from it, a different gathering of
Separatists in New England —the Pilgrims—established a small but devout Plymouth Colony.
More significant was the bigger group of non-separating Puritans who established the Bay
Colony of Massachusetts under the leadership of John Winthrop as part of the "great migration"
of Puritans escaping mistreatment in England in the late 1620s (Kennedy & Cohen, 2015). An
intense feeling of common objectives among the first pioneers formed the Colony of
Massachusetts Bay. Due to the close alignment of politics and religion in the settlement, the
individuals who spoke against orthodoxy in religion, including Roger Williams and Anne
Hutchinson, were viewed as guilty of treason and chased out of Massachusetts (Kennedy &
Cohen, 2015).

Rhode Island, founded by the exiled Williams, was the most politically and religiously
tolerant of the provinces by far. Other colonies in New Englan, all starting in Massachusetts Bay,
found their home in New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Maine. Despite the fact that they shared a
typical lifestyle, the colonies of New England developed with a considerable level of
independence (Kennedy & Cohen, 2015). The middle colonies unexpectedly came to fruition.
Established by the Dutch as New Netherland, New York, which ...

Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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