: Competency Models

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Unit 4 Assignment: Competency Models In this Assignment, you will review a competency model for a real organization. Select an organization that you are sufficiently positioned with to get the information you need for this Assignment. It could be a company you have worked with or a nonprofit organization with which you have had some experience. It will be more difficult to complete the Assignment if you select an organization where you are an outsider, unable to gather the needed information. In order to help you become more familiar with HRD professional articles, this Assignment has a reference requirement: One article from TD (formerly T + D). Use this link once you are in the Library to find TD articles: http://library.kaplan.edu/HR410/hrd_articles_help Worksheet: Use the Unit 4 Worksheet located in Course Resources.

UNIT 4 ASSIGNMENT WORKSHEET (Note the length requirement of 900 words)

Name of Organization (single sentence)

Business Strategy and Goals (minimum of one paragraph)

What is the business strategy and goals for this organization?

Identify the Job (minimum of one paragraph)

What job or position would you use to develop a competency model?

Data Collection (minimum of one paragraph)

How would you collect the data required to develop a competency model?

Competency Model (minimum of one paragraph)

What would be some possible competencies for this job or position?

Validation (minimum of one paragraph)

How would you validate these competencies?

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Explanation & Answer



Surname 1
Name of Student
Professor’s Information
January 24th, 2017
Competence Analysis
Trioscape Associates is an architectural organization dealing with the provision of construction
designs. It is located in Atlanta where the demand for housing has increased steadily over the
years. The business has been in operation for the last six years. It is a partnership between three
architects. As bigger cities such as New York and Los Angeles become over-populated because
of the high influx of urban migration, some people are choosing equally developed towns to
settle and raise their families. Atlanta has become a popular location because of its strategic
position in the East Coast and development opportunities. Many people are looking to own
homes that are according to their tastes and preferences as compared to buying those that are
readily available in the market. The mortgage rates are also a bit high and quite risky especially
after the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Some housing companies are also seeking to
outsource design services from private service providers. Therefore, as a business, it is lucrative
to provide such services at this particular location during this time.
The core ...

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