Essay on Fake News based on article provided

User Generated




In a fully developed short essay (minimum of eight paragraphs in length), please answer all of the questions below. Your work should include an introduction, a body of supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Please take some time to edit your work for punctuation, usage, and clarity prior to submission.

Questions for Analysis:

1) Of the three formal approaches outlined earlier in this learning module, which do you think is most effective for communicating in contemporary rhetorical situations? Be specific in supporting your answer.

2) What is Boczkowski saying about the influences of fake news on our current informational climate? What are the three effects that he sees as most damaging to our society, and is he optimistic or pessimistic about the near future of journalism?

3) As a consumer of information now taking college courses, how do you make sure that the sources you use to formulate your worldview and support your arguments are credible?

4) Finally, what do you feel are the consequences of fake news on American society? How have digital communication tools contributed to this problem?

Where applicable, feel free to use hyperlinks to connect your essay to a resource or two in support of your answers.

A link to the article has been provided.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer


Running head: ESSAY ON FAKE NEWS


Essay on Fake News


Essay on Fake News

The Toulmin’s Schema is considered the most effective formal approach for the
determining the validity of the contents of communication materials that are used to support an
argument. One of the reasons for this assertion is that the six elements of the schema examine the
argument from the dimensions that other approaches do not consider. For example, the need to
establish the merits of a conclusion before it can be regarded as a claim is an ideal foundation for
preventing the biases that distort the facts.
A further reason why this approach is selected as the most appropriate for contemporary
communication is the chance for the rebuttal of opposing viewpoints before the data and
warrants are used for the conclusion. Also, the Toulmin Schema is important for determining the
moral and ethical values that are inherent in the information or communication item presented.
An example is emphasis on the l...

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