Comprehensive Report IT

User Generated




Hello I am needing help with this assignment please on a tight budget please need help by 6-7-2013

create a comprehensive report to the CIO of the project organization in IT that covers the following:

  1. Introduce your paper by telling the reader what the high-level
    topics are that will be covered within it and providing some historical
    perspective for how the information within the paper was collected.
  2. Explain the components of assessing risk that were used to evaluate the risk profile of the organization.
  3. Describe the specific risks that have been identified within the
    organization including the likelihood and impact that of those risks.
  4. Describe recommendations for the appropriate strategy the
    organization should follow to mitigate those risks, including support
    for why these recommendations are optimal.
  5. Create a detailed summary that highlights the important aspects of
    the report and the areas on which the reader should focus attention.
    Include support for why these are the most important areas of concern.


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