EHR Proposal Summary help

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Health Medical


Imagine you are currently working at a doctor's office. You are approached by the office manager who asks you to develop an effective way of storing patient information.

Write a 350- to 700-word summary to your office manager informing him or her of the advantages of using electronic health records (EHRs) to store patient information. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use examples to support your responses.

Include the following in your response:

  • Discuss the functions and advantages of using EHRs.
  • Discuss three to four forms used to keep patient information in EHRs.
  • What is the purpose of each form?

Cite any outside sources.

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Functions of EHRs

The healthcare sector is an information-rich enterprise. There are a lot of information that
is needed by the doctors and health experts that help them offer their services better to their
patients. The digital revolution of the information systems in the healthcare sector is here in the
form of electronic health records (EHRs). The EHRs provide a paperless service in which the
health records are digitally recorded into the system and are easily accessible at your
convenience. With interoperability working together with the EHRs, there will be an exchange of
information within and across health organizations making the whole process a productive and
fruitful venture in the healthcare sector as now information will be easily accessible at the
slightest convenience.
The EHRs have the following essential functions. Some of the tasks that EHRs tackle are
as following but are not limited to the same: firstly they identify and maintain...

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