"Troubleshooting Tables" Please respond to the following:
- Imagine that an associate of yours just designed a table with captions outside the table’s borders. The font on the Website is black, and the text inside the table is red. He is frustrated because the captions he placed outside of the table are not black, but rather red. Predict how this happened and provide three recommendations to help resolve your colleague’s dilemma. Do some research and support your assertions with a supporting references.
- There are many creative uses for tables. Imagine that you have been hired to create a Website for a fashion designer who wants a unique page that stands out. Describe how you could use tables to meet this goal. Do some research and support your assertions with a supporting references.
Explanation & Answer
Hello there,Promised you it won't take too long. I had a similar homework in the past so I knew exactly what was going on. Anyway, i rewrote everything from updated references and I attached to this message a Microsoft Office Word ( .docx format) file entitled "Web designing task" which contains your answers.Everything that is written in bold is the text of the scenario. Everything that it in italic is the answer. On the last page of the task, you have the reference links which I used in order to come with the correct answer.Scenario 1: There can be multiple causes for that problem but I focused on the one referring to the fact that the associate didn't specify the color of the caption so, in the end, it inherited the one from the browser stylesheet or from the parental element.Scenario 2: As stated there I wouldn't use tables for web designing since we have a lot better options. But if that would be the situation and the customer would specifically request to work with tables I would most likely use them for databases regarding the available products, and their size.I think the number of words are enoug...
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