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Explanation & Answer

Consumer Behavior
Consumer Behavior
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January 2018
Consumer Behavior
Consumer Behavior
Intro & Ch 1
According to Chapter 1, the term neuromarketing refers to the methods that are utilized in the
market in order to ascertain consumers' involvement and emotional feedback from one second to
another since these responses are usually difficult to intercept. Therefore, neuromarketing is
usually utilized together with other techniques in order to develop a complete picture of what
goes on in a consumer's head. Therefore neuromarketing can be described a field of marketing
research which examines consumer’s sensorimotor, cognitive and affective responses to
marketing environment/stimuli.
Chapter 2
Product Placement
The author concluded that a consumers/buyer’s memory of the product is the most essential and
reliable measure of the effectiveness of an advertisement. Therefore, in making products,
companies need to weave products into the show as part of the campaign or storyline in order to
be remembered by the customer. A good example is when coca cola advertises its products
always has an impact on me as a consumer to keep purchasing the brand due to how it was
presented on the televisions. This has occurred over a long period of time since the company
came into the market. Therefore, this habit influences any day to day purchases I make due to the
fact that the brand has been on my mind for a long period of time. The most recent product
placement on TV is Mac Donald's brand.
Chapter 3
Mirror Neurons
Consumer Behavior
The mirror neuron enables the consumers' feelings and actions to reflect those of another person
and therefore the feelings are triggered in our subconscious mind when as consumers we see an
advertisement. A good example would be window-shopping where our personal emotions
overcome our rational thinking making us to purchase a certain good or service purely because
we love that feeling we get for doing so. Research can be utilized in a positive way where
neuroscience can be used to discover a lot about the science behind what we purchase from
stores and therefore opening up the future of advertising products in a unique acceptable way.
The disadvantage of such research is that it is usually aimed at a general audience as opposed to
specific audiences. Therefore, if a firm totally relies on research for the total hunt of customers, it
is likely to be detrimental since ne...