I need an essay about the Diagnostic tests that help to determine the diseases like Meningitis, Encephalitis and Cerebrovascular accidents . Should be at leat 3 pages, APA style

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Diagnostic Tests for Meningitis, Encephalitis and Cerebrovascular Accidents
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Diagnostic Tests for Meningitis, Encephalitis and Cerebrovascular Accidents
Diagnostic Tests for Meningitis
Diagnosis of the meningitis involves physical examination, diagnostic tests, and a review
of the patient’s medical history. Because the onset and progression of the disease is usually fast,
treatment is often started while diagnosis is underway (Mandal, 2017). The diagnosis begins with
physical examination that attempts to find signs of Meningitis. Brudzinski’s sign is characterized
by automatic flexing of the hips and knees due to flexing of the patient’s stiff neck. It is a sign of
Meningitis. Kernig’s sign where an attempt to extend the leg causes severe thigh pain is also an
indicator of Meningitis (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017). If Meningitis is suspected, the patient is
immediately subjected to antibiotics through IV. This is necessary because the tests to confirm
the type of meningitis require growing of bacterial and viral cultures which usually take several
days. Such a long wait is very dangerous to the patient given the fast progression rate of
meningitis (Mandal, 2017).
One of the additional tests that help confirm meningitis diagnosis is blood tests. The tests
analyze foreign proteins and antibodies in the blood that could be associated with the disease or