Individual Geopolitics in Key Nations

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  • The "Sample PowerPoint" posted in the Tutorials & Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence website
  • The® video "Office 365: Learning PowerPoint" with Garrick Chow
  • The® video "Using Office Shapes and SmartArt to Enhance Business Documents"
  • "Creating New Tables from Scratch" from Lesson 8, "Working with Columns and Tables," in the® video "Word 2016 Essential Training" with David Rivers.

Create a 1-page 4 row by 3 column table in Microsoft®Word that depicts laws for the U.S. and two other key nations in the strategic, tactical, and operational areas of cybersecurity. Provide a brief description of the law for each category of cybersecurity provided. The table column headings could be U.S., Russia, and China, for instance (or two other key nations of your choice). The row labels are Strategical, Tactical, and Operational.

Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation containing 8 slides, including Introduction, Conclusion, and Reference slides. Include detailed speaker notes with each slide.

Scenario: You are attending the company board meeting with your supervisor, the VP of Information Technology. The U.S.-based company is considering expanding into 100 countries worldwide. You will be presenting to the Board of Directors so they can understand the cyber threat each key nation poses to the company so they can make a more informed decision on how best to achieve international growth. Your task is to:

  • Accurately define "geopolitics"
  • Identify the geopolitics of key nations (include at a minimum: U.S., China, Russia, Israel, and Iran)
  • Accurately describe the differences of each key nation's political stance on cyber war
  • Describe past international cyber conflicts and the resulting impact to the economy of each nation involved
  • Accurately define "cyber-attack"
  • State the impact of cyber-attacks on U.S. companies

All references need to adhere to APA guidelines, and images should not be copied unless author permission is obtained or copyright free images are used.

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Explanation & Answer



Strategic, Tactical and Operational methods of Cyber security







The president's financial plan
proposes a 3.1ITmodernisation

Arrangements on examination of
system items and administrations
were set up

Russian to arrange real research to
counter color revolution

The organization has made the
position of Federal boss
Information officer to drive
digital security strategy,
arranging and usage over the
central government
The Department of Homeland
Security is upgrading Federal
Cyber security purchase growing
the relief programs
There is digital security
instruction and preparing by the
legislature and greater security
specialists have been procured
Recognizing and organizing the
most in danger IT resources
Build up a playbook of sorts,
ahead of time, to manage
reaction to huge digital assault

Enhancements in Technology,
China decided to include media and
science, instruction and medicinal
online platforms as critical information services
structure operations
Enhancements in Technology,
China CAC Published National Cyber
science, instruction and medicinal
Threat Response design

CAC held briefing with AmCham
Supplemental rules were discharged
for Data fare and exchange directions
The pioneers have guaranteed
individuals national unification and
also securing the nation's region
uprightness and soveignity from
outside The legislature has turned to
the utilization of customary and high
innovation political fighting to send a
political message and power a
conciliatory result

Worldwide strike abilities and key
non-atomic high-accuracy weapons
and also militarization of room
Russia is likewise worried about what
it terms western endeavors to make
flashpoints of pressure in Euresia
Russia keeps on being lobbyist in its
outside approaches and will keep on
refusing to 'down' however it is
likewise mindful of its limitations
Russia keeps on observing the
military mechanical mind boggling as
a driver of mechanical modernization

Organize and put resources into
strength for atomic strike
Buckling down on the basic

Chinese initiative signs to its
opponents that their adventures are
progressively threatening to China's
national intrigue




Building and keeping up
prepared for powers and abilities
to direct the internet tasks

The government has resorted to the
use of traditional and high technology
political warfare to send a political
message and force a diplomatic

Russia is also concerned about what
it terms western efforts to create
flashpoints of tension in Euresia

Building and keeping up
powerful universal cooperation
and organizations to discourage
shared dangers and increment
global security and strength
Be set up to protect US
imperative interests from
troublesome and ruinous digital
Safeguarding the DoD data
arrange, Secure DoD information
and moderate dangers to DoD

Chinese leadership signals to its rivals
that their exploits are increasingly
hostile to China’s national interest
Use of military action to force political
Making inner security administration
frameworks and working approaches,
delegating committed system security
people Observing, early notices and
giving crisis reaction
Information localization

Presence of cooperative biological
defense facilities
Provisions on examination of
network products and services were
The existing military doctrine covers
Russian goals and plans to national
Russia keeps on observing the
military mechanical mind boggling as
a driver of mechanical modernization
Improvements in Technology,
science, education and healthcare





Geopolitics and Cyberwar

Associate Professor Sharif As-Saber

What is Geopolitics
Geopolitics is the art and practice of using
international political power - traditionally
implying the impact of geography on
politics which has evolved over the past
century to encompass a wider connotation.
It examines the political, economic and
strategic significance of geography, where
geography is defined in terms of the
location, size, function, and relationships of
places and resources.

Geopolitics of key countries

▪America's political, national
security, and outside strategy elites
keep on ignoring the nuts and bolts
of geopolitics that have formed the
destiny of world realms for as far
back as 500 years.
▪ social power stays particular and
▪China endures "geopolitical
in the
inside Asian
Adapted from
et al., 2001
adjust of energy, contrasted with

Geopolitics of key countries

The "revelation of the Cape street to the Indies" in the sixteenth...

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