MBA 630 Project 1 Introduction to the Legal Environment of Business

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Business Finance

mba 630

Kennebec Valley Community College


For this first project, you will complete a skills gap analysis that focuses on the knowledge and skills particularly important for the MBA 630 projects. This includes making decisions that are legal and ethical, determining the best legal and organizational structure for a business, and addressing legal, ethical, and cultural issues involved in managing a global business enterprise.

Please see the attached steps for this Project. Step #1 is completed, following the steps needed in the attachment. Work must be authentic and eject a full scope of knowledge.

The project includes a PowerPoint (voice not required, typed information in not bar is acceptable) and Case Study.


Your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below.

  • 1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer's ideas.
  • 1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.
  • 1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English.
  • 1.7: Create neat and professional looking documents appropriate for the project or presentation.
  • 1.8: Create clear oral messages.
  • 2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, or problem under critical consideration.
  • 2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.
  • 2.3: Evaluate the information in a logical and organized manner to determine its value and relevance to the problem.
  • 2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.
  • 2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions or decisions, checking them against relevant criteria and benchmarks.
  • 5.2: Assess the implications of legal, ethical and cultural (national) standards on an organization's operations in global markets and make recommendations for appropriate actions.
  • 5.3: Create, implement, and evaluate a personal leadership development plan.
  • 7.3: Analyze the implications of civil or criminal wrongs and of product or service liability laws, and make recommendations to support business decisions.
  • 9.3: Apply the principles of employment law for ethical practices and risk mitigation.

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Project 1: Introduction to the Legal Environment of Business Step 1: Complete Your Skills Gap Analysis As instructed by the VP, Kenneth Dodger, use this skills gap analysis instrument to self-evaluate your knowledge and skills before beginning your work. Submit your preliminary skills gap analysis to the submission dropbox located in the final step of this project. Please identify the skills you will be focusing on during this class in the appropriate column after completing each part of the gap analysis instrument. In the next step, you will start to review the cases Kenneth Dodger has assigned to you. Step 2: Review Case One: Blue Mood Clothing, Inc Now that you've finished your skills gap analysis and GAP survey, you take some time to collect your thoughts and review the first case Vice President Dodger assigned to you. First, you need an introduction to the legal environment of business. Next, you open the Blue Mood Clothing, Inc. case file to assess the details of this assignment. Upon completing your initial review of the file, you begin thinking about the legal issues contained in the file. In the next step, you will gather the information you need to answer the questions from the VP. Step 3: Gather and Analyze Information As you read through the materials, try to begin answering the questions Vice President Dodger asked you. You will likely encounter many new legal concepts, so take notes about which sections apply to this case so that you can easily refer back to them when you begin to write your presentation. The VP’s precise questions about the legal issues are as follows: • Can Colossal Corporation terminate Alex without any notice or a hearing? Why or why not? This question relates to employment-at-will. • Did Alex, Nick, Bill, or Juanita commit any crimes and, if so, which crimes did each person commit? Fully explain your answer for each person as you explore the subject of business criminal law. • What defenses, if any, might the relevant persons allege in response to the crimes you identified? Fully explain your answer for each person. • Did Alex, Nick, Bill, or Juanita commit any intentional torts and, if so, which intentional torts did each person commit? Read about the law of torts in order to make your determinations. • What defenses, if any, might the relevant persons allege in response to the intentional torts you identified? Fully explain your answer for each person. • Can anyone collect damages for the intentional torts? Who can collect and whom would they sue? Detail the specific damages that may be available to potential plaintiffs as you read about tort damages. In the next step, you will formalize your thoughts so that they are ready to put into your presentation. Step 4: Focus on Your Rationale and Conclusions: Create Your Outline You've finished your research. You've reflected on how the facts and the law come together in this situation. You've analyzed the possible arguments and determined which seem most reasonable. Now it is time to formulate these arguments, addressing all the issues raised by the narrative in the Blue Mood Clothing, Inc. case file Vice President Dodger gave you. Outline your presentation to the leadership team, either on paper or in a Word document; don't make the PowerPoint yet. Review your outline to make certain it covers all relevant points and progresses in a logical order. Identify the major bullet points that you will highlight on your slides, and allocate the appropriate supporting information to each bullet point—make sure that you have adequately covered all the relevant arguments or reasons needed to support them. In the next step, you'll use your outline to create the PowerPoint presentation for the VP. Step 5: Communicate Your Findings and Conclusions to the Vice President of Colossal Corporation: Create Your PowerPoint You have finished getting all of your ideas organized surrounding the Blue Mood Clothing case when you receive an email with delivery instructions from Vice President Dodger: INBOX (1 NEW EMAIL) From: Kenneth Dodger, Vice President, Colossal Corporation To: You Just wanted to check in as you begin to communicate your findings and conclusions on the Blue Mood Clothing case. I'd like you to use your outline and research notes from your work on this case to prepare a narrated PowerPoint for the senior leadership team. As you will not deliver this in person, it will need to follow the form of an asynchronous presentation. Further, here is a list of additional requirements I need you to follow to meet standard presentation protocol: • Include a title slide, with your name on it, introducing the presentation. • On the presentation slides, include only the major bullet points for each issue. • Include no more than 20 slides. • Use your narration to provide the supporting rationale for each major bullet point. • Include a script of your narration in the notes section of the PowerPoint. • Title your files using this protocol: yourlastname_BlueMoodPowerPoint_date. • The final slide must present a clear summary of your major conclusions and any recommendations. You should be prepared to answer questions about your presentation after you have submitted it. That should be all for now. Looking forward to seeing the final product, Ken Submit your narrated PowerPoint to the submission dropbox located in the final step of this project. You should try to have your Blue Mood PowerPoint complete by the end of Week 2. In the next step, you'll begin analyzing the second case for Colossal: the Carz Bazaar Case. . Complete the business report for the project: • Download the Project 2 Questions – Report Template • Read the instructions. • Answer all the questions. • Include your recommendations. • Submit the business report (Word document) and calculation (Excel file) to the Assignments folder as your final deliverable. Here is the file name convention for both files: o P2_Final_lastname_Report_date.docx o P2_Final_lastname_Calculation_date.xlsx Step 6: Review Case Two: Carz Bazaar Feeling proud of your growing knowledge of business law and your work on the Blue Mood Clothing case, you move on to your next assignment. You open the Carz Bazaar case file to review the facts of the situation. Once you have fully assessed the situation in the Carz Bazaar case, proceed to the next step, where you will gather the information you need to analyze the legal questions of the case. Step 7: Gather and Analyze Information As you read through the materials, try to begin answering the questions posed below. You will likely encounter many new legal concepts, so take notes about which sections apply to this case so that you can easily refer back to them when you begin to write your analysis. In all legal cases, there are disputes about the facts and the law. In this case, we can assume the facts stated in our case file are accurate, so we just need to decide what law applies and how the law can be interpreted to support the plaintiffs’ and defendant's arguments. The issue of who caused the accident has been settled. Wilson caused the accident, so the issue before us is whether Wilson's employer can be held responsible for his actions. • What are the arguments in favor of the plaintiffs (the accident victims)? • What are the arguments in favor of the defendant (Carz Bazaar)? Read about legal responsibilities of agents and employees to help you answer these questions. In the next step, you'll formalize your thoughts so that they are ready to put into your presentation. Step 8: Create and Submit Your Legal Analysis As you begin to finalize your findings from the Carz Bazaar case, you receive an email from Vice President Dodger: INBOX (1 NEW EMAIL) From: Kenneth Dodger, Vice President, Colossal Corporation To: You Good to see your continued progress on these cases. As you prepare to submit your findings for the Carz Bazaar incident, I wanted to give you some clear delivery instructions. As in the previous case, I'd like you to use your outline and research notes from your work on this case to prepare your written analysis. Maintaining company procedure, I'd also like you to meet the following requirements for this deliverable: • Please divide your analysis into two parts: Part I: Arguments for the Plaintiffs and Part II: Arguments for the Defendant. • Support your conclusion with references to legal principles and laws. Cite references to course materials and cases using APA format. • The analysis should be no more than seven pages (double spaced, 12-point font; the reference list does not count towards the page limit). • Title your file using this protocol: yourlastname_CarzBazaar _date. Following this submission, I would like you to participate in a discussion with your fellow Colossal Company colleagues to see if we can reach a consensus about the winner of this case. I hope your work to this point has been rewarding. I've always found that consideration and appreciation of ethical practice in a global market is the key to successful business. Best, Ken Submit your Carz Bazaar analysis to the Assignments folder. You should have your analysis completed and submitted by the end of Week 2. Step 9: Discuss Carz Bazaar Case Outcome Discussion with Colleagues After your careful analysis of the case in the previous steps, Vice President Dodger would like your opinion on the likely outcome of the case if it were to be brought to court and decided by a judge. Provide a full legal analysis and explanation for the outcome you expect. Discuss your opinion with your colleagues so the VP can evaluate any consensus in the assessment of the facts. Go to the discussion entitled Carz Bazaar, and create a new topic entitled "Carz Bazaar [insert your last name]." Decide in favor of either the plaintiffs or defendant and explain why you made this decision. To complete this step, post your own decision, read the opinions of your classmates, and respond to at least two of your classmates' postings. These posts can be as long or as short as you need in order to effectively make your points. See MBA Discussion Guidelines before you begin. Participation in the discussion is due no later than the end of Week 3. Check Your Evaluation Criteria Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click My Tools, select Assignments from the dropdown menu, and then click the project title. • 1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer's ideas. • 1.4: Tailor communications to the audience. • 1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English. • 1.7: Create neat and professional looking documents appropriate for the project or presentation. • 1.8: Create clear oral messages. • 2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, or problem under critical consideration. • 2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem. • 2.3: Evaluate the information in a logical and organized manner to determine its value and relevance to the problem. • 2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem. • 2.5: Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions or decisions, checking them against relevant criteria and benchmarks. • 5.2: Assess the implications of legal, ethical and cultural (national) standards on an organization's operations in global markets and make recommendations for appropriate actions. • 5.3: Create, implement, and evaluate a personal leadership development plan. • 7.3: Analyze the implications of civil or criminal wrongs and of product or service liability laws, and make recommendations to support business decisions. • 9.3: Apply the principles of employment law for ethical practices and risk mitigation.
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Explanation & Answer

Hello again🙋Here are the final copies of your answers. Please review them then get back to me in case you'll need any changes, I'll be glad to help. Also, please remember to replace the last name place holder on all files.Thank you!🙏

Skills Gap Analysis Instructions: Review each item below and determine your current level of proficiency and

career success. Use a scale of 1 to 7 (where 1 is low, and 7 is high). See Part 1, Item 1 below for an example and then overwrite the sample
The gap for each item will be automatically calculated.

Interpreting Your Results: In the example, the gap is -5. The large negative number indicates an item where current proficiency is low and
be an item to address. A gap represented by a large positive number (e.g., 5) indicates that current proficiency is relatively high and career im
you would not want to pick the item as one to address.

Write Reflection Summary: Use the text box at the bottom of the page to write a reflection of no more than 500 words describing two to thre
selected them, and the activities you will pursue to develop your selected competencies. Choose at least one from Part 1: Leadership and at

Week 1

Part 1: Personal Leadership Assessment, Goal-Setting, and

Using a scale of 1 to 7, where
1 is low and 7 is high, indicate
your current level of proficiency
with each of the following.

Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes
1 understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment. (1.1)
Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.
3 I am able to tailor communications to the audience. (1.4)
4 I follow conventions of Standard Written English. (1.6)
I create neat and professional looking documents appropriate for the project or
presentation. (1.7)
6 I create clear oral messages. (1.8)
Critical Thinking and Analysis
I am able to identify and clearly explain the issue, question, or problem under
critical consideration. (2.1)
I am able to locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or
problem. (2.2)
I can evaluate the information in a logical and organized manner to determine its
value and relevance to the problem. (2.3)
10 I can consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem. (2.4)
I develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions, or decisions, checking them against
relevant criteria and benchmarks. (2.5)
Leadership, Facilitation, and Collaboration
I can lead and/or participate in a diverse group to accomplish projects and
assignments. (4.1)
I demonstrate the ability to plan and execute a project, articulating clear
objectives and goals for the team. (4.2)
I will contribute to team projects, assignments, or organizational goals as an
engaged member of a team. (4.3)
15 I demonstrate diversity and inclusiveness in a team setting. (4.4)




Week 1

Part 2: Strategic Decision Making

Using a scale of 1 to 7, where
1 is low and 7 is high, indicate
your current level of proficiency
with each of the following.

Develop constructive resolutions for ethical dilemmas based on application of
1 ethical theories, principles, and models. (5.1)


Identify and explain why a situation presents an ethical dilemma in contexts that
2 are familiar or new, simple or complex, personal or organizational. (5.1.1)


Introduce and analyze best available alternatives to ethical dilemmas using a set
of well supported criteria. (5.1.2)
Propose and defend the best possible resolution to the ethical dilemmas,
4 including specific recommended actions, expected outcomes, and a contingency
plan. (5.1.3)
Identify and evaluate the risks to the organization and its key stakeholders
5 associated with failing to take actions to resolve an ethical dilemma. (5.1.4)


Assess the implications of legal, ethical and cultural (national) standards on an
6 organization's operations in global markets and make recommendations for
appropriate actions. (5.2)
Investigate the legal standards and best sources of information relevant to an
organization in a non-domestic market. (5.2.1)
Identify and analyze common ethical issues facing organizations operating in
global markets and apply relevant best practices. (5.2.2)
Analyze the implications of cultural (national) differences for an organization
9 operating in global markets and recommend appropriate actions. (5.2.3)


Create, implement, and evaluate a personal leadership development plan. (5.3)


Complete and present reflections on a leadership self-assessment. (5.3.1)







Create and defend a set of personal leadership development goals with an
12 accompanying action plan that incorporates milestones, self-monitoring, and
regular reports on progress. (5.3.2)
Create and/or leverage internal and external networks for personal and
organizational strategic advantage. (5.3.3)
When in the role of a project, program, team or organizational leader, employ the
14 best decision style for specific situations and followers. (5.3.4)


Resolve workplace conflicts using the optimal approaches and techniques for the
situation and involved parties. (5.4)
Discuss typical types and sources of conflict in organizations and their potential
implications if not resolved. (5.4.1)
Recognize the merits of different approaches and techniques for preventing or
17 resolving workplace conflict, including illustrative examples to strengthen your
analysis. (5.4.2)
Recommend and defend responses to specific workplace conflicts, both familiar
and new. (5.4.3)
Analyze your personal conflict resolution approach and recommend areas for
improvement. (5.4.4)
Analyze the legal forms of business organization and make recommendations to
support business decisions. (7.1)
Articulate the ways businesses can be created and altered, including the rights,
limitations, and liabilities of all actors and entities involved. (7.1.1)
Analyze the implications of contract law and make recommendations to support
business decisions. (7.2)
Identify and analyze the elements of a valid contract (including offer, acceptance
23 and consideration) and classify the various forms of contracts and warranties.
Identify and analyze contracts subject to the statute of frauds, as well as the
consequences of voiding and/or breaching contracts. (7.2.2)







Analyze the implications of civil or criminal wrongs and of product or service
25 liability laws and make recommendations to support business decisions. (7.3)


Distinguish the elements and classify the types of crimes and torts. (7.3.1)


Differentiate between types of negligence and liability, and identify the types of
damages that may result. (7.3.2)
28 Identify and analyze various legal defenses available. (7.3.3)
Analyze the impact of international and foreign laws on US organizations acting
domestically and abroad. (7.4)
Articulate the similarities and differences between the US legal system and laws
30 regulating business and the legal systems of other nations. (7.4.1)


Analyze the impact of foreign and domestics laws on US businesses operating
globally (e.g., FCPA). (7.4.2)
Understand the role of international treaties and their implications for business
decisions. (7.4.3)
Analyze the utility of various forms of dispute resolution and make
33 recommendations to support business decisions. (7.5)
Define the concept of jurisdiction, understand its implications when operating in a
34 global environment, and analyze how it applies to the relevant judicial system(s).
Analyze civil and criminal trial procedures and how they differ across global
locations. (7.5.2)
Identify, analyze, and recommend alternatives to judicial processes of dispute
36 resolution, including negotiation and settlement, arbitration, mediation, mini-trials,
and private trials. (7.5.3)
Design organizational structure, systems and processes that support the
strategic goals of the organization. (9.1)
Critically analyze the extent to which an organization’s current organizational
38 structure supports its mission, goals,objectives, and strategic priorities. (9.1.1)


Propose appropriate changes to an organization’s structure, systems, and/or
processes. (9.1.2)
Recommend roles and responsibilities needed for strategic or competitive
advantage, including changes to those that exist. (9.1.3)
Explain how and why a proposed structure is likely to mitigate identified risks.
42 Complete a benefit/cost analysis of a proposed structural change. (9.1.5)
Apply the principles of employment law for ethical practices and risk mitigation.
Identify and analyze employment contracts and the rights and responsibilities of
employees and employers. (9.3.1)
Explain the possible implications of common employment-related issues for
managers and their organizations. (9.3.2)
Identify relevant employment laws and explain the associated principles and best
practices for supervisors and employees. (9.3.3)
47 Identify and analyze the legal grounds for employee termination. (9.3.4)
Recommend appropriate responses to specific employment-related issues that
may have legal implications. (9.3.5)











Finding the core of the skills gap requires one to identify career goals. The approach helps measure the current prog
improvement areas. In the past ten weeks, I have been working on two main areas that are important for my career
wanted to work on "I can evaluate the information in a logical and organized manner to determine its value and rel
I wanted to develop effective strategies to assess and grade information do ascertain its importance for a particular
would help me solve conflict or critical decision-making issues with facts, help listen to other parties objectively, and
the gap being -3 in the chart, I still hold the skill with high priority, and I will make necessary recommendations and

would help me solve conflict or critical decision-making issues with facts, help listen to other parties objectively, and
the gap being -3 in the chart, I still hold the skill with high priority, and I will make necessary recommendations and
assessment period.

The second skill I want to address is "Propose appropriate changes to an organization's structure, systems, and/or p
and broad and requires comprehension of crucial concepts, including the amalgamation of different facets of organ
departmentalization, and the pros and cons of organic systems. Besides understanding the building blocks of organi
grasp how linked factors like product lifecycle and the technology environment impact changes. The chart shows a
make more effort to gain new knowledge and experience. Some areas I could improve include analyzing and unders
issues, proposing effective changes, and implementing a reliable communication strategy.

rrent level of proficiency and the importance the item has for your
nd then overwrite the sample ratings with your own ratings for this item.

urrent proficiency is low and career importance is high —so, this might
s relatively high and career importance is relatively low. In this event,

0 words describing two to three gaps you will work to reduce, why you
om Part 1: Leadership and at least one from Part 2: Strategic Decision

Week 1
Using the same scale, select
the number that best
represents how important each
item is for your career success.
























Week 1
Using the same scale, select
the number that best
represents how important each
item is for your career success.















measure the current progress and visualize specific future
re important for my career and personal development. First, I
etermine its value and relevance to the problem." Specifically,
mportance for a particular project or situation. The approach
her parties objectively, and make sensible decisions. Despite
ary recommendations and gauge my improvement in the next

her parties objectively, and make sensible decisions. Despite
ary recommendations and gauge my improvement in the next

ructure, systems, and/or processes." The area is demanding
f different facets of organization structure,
e building blocks of organizational structures, one must also
anges. The chart shows a -4 gap for the skill, meaning I must
lude analyzing and understanding current organizational

Skills Gap Analysis Instructions: Review each item below and determine your current level of proficiency and

career success. Use a scale of 1 to 7 (where 1 is low, and 7 is high). See Part 1, Item 1 below for an example, and then ...

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