Annotated Bibliography (Drug Addiction)

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READ ME: looking for an annotated bibliography to continue my project of looking at drug addiction in the United States as a social issue; revolves around the problem (drug addiction), a cause, and solution to this issue. Need a bare minimum of 3 (4 or 5 would be nice) peer-reviewed/scholarly references that are verifiable through a digital college library, doi reference, or Google Scholar (so I can actually read the article). Format sample of the annotated bibliography and rubric have been attached.

Option #2: Critical Thinking Assignment: Annotated Bibliography (National/Global)

In Module 2, you began conducting research for your final paper examining a national/global social issue. By now, you already have a developed research topic and a working thesis statement, along with a small bibliography of resources for support.

For this Critical Thinking Assignment, you are to add three credible sources to your original Annotated Bibliography, for a total of at least five credible sources.

Annotate all sources, using college-level writing skills and proper APA style for quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing sources. Begin your annotated bibliography by describing your research plan at the top of the page.


To fulfill the research component of this assignment, you must do the following:

  • Conduct several searches using any of the databases in the Library.
  • Select three to five scholarly peer-reviewed sources from your library search that support the topics and arguments you plan to present in your Portfolio paper.

To fulfill the written component of this assignment, you must do the following:

  • Include a title page that is formatted in proper APA style. List APA-style references in alphabetical order along with your unique paragraph summaries.
  • Annotated paragraphs must be original and should not be copied from abstracts or other summaries. Format your assignment according to APA style as outlined in CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA.
  • Your annotated bibliography should be double-spaced with one-inch margins and use a 12-point Times New Roman font.

Your annotations should contain the following elements: (annotations template linked below)

  • A summary, in your own words, of the information presented in the article.
  • Your analysis of the best use of this information for your final paper, written in your own words.
  • Identification of a possible topic sentence and/or claim the information will support.

Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment Rubric available in the Module 3 Folder for more information on assignment expectations and grading.

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Running head: SHORTENED TITLE 1 Full Title: Annotated Bibliography FirstName LastName ENG102: English Composition II Instructor FirstName LastName Colorado State University Global Campus August 1, 2016 SHORTENED TITLE 2 Full Title: Annotated Bibliography Working thesis statement: Write your working thesis statement here so you can refer to it as you construct your resource reflections. Author's Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, V#(I#), pp#– pp#. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx Summary of article: Compose a paragraph that completely summarizes the full article. State the main arguments, describe each topic that is covered, and explain the research in your own words. Make sure you are specific. This summary will help you integrate your research later. The more complete and precise your summary is now, the easier things will be later. Make sure you state facts and figures accurately. You don’t need to worry about in-text citations in an annotated bibliography (since you’re clearly summarizing the source listed above), but be sure to use quotation marks and write down page numbers if you’re using a direct quote. It will help you avoid unintentional plagiarism later. Assessment of article: Describe the source. Who is the author? What is the publication? How do you know it is credible, valid, scholarly, and appropriate for an academic paper? Reflection on article: What claims can you make based upon this article? State a claim (e.g., Based on this article, I can claim that dogs with red coats are preferred to whitecoated dogs in 95% of American households.) and explain how it fits into your overall argument and how it fits your thesis statement (e.g. This claim will support my argument by showing that the color of a dog’s coat can serve as a visual cue for the appropriate SHORTENED TITLE “forever home” placement.). These claims will be essential in helping you build your argument. They will likely become your topic sentences in the rough draft assignment. Author's Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume #(issue #), pp–pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx Summary of article: Assessment of article: Reflection on article: Author's Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume #(issue #), pp–pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx Summary of article: Assessment of article: Reflection on article: Author's Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume #(issue #), pp–pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx Summary of article: Assessment of article: Reflection on article: 3 SHORTENED TITLE Author's Last Name, Initials. (Publication Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume #(issue #), pp–pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx Summary of article: Assessment of article: Reflection on article: 4 2/3/2018 ENG102_CTRubric_Mod03 ENG102: Critical Thinking Rubric - Module 03 Content, Research, and Analysis Requirements Content Meets Approaches Below Expectation Expectation Expectation 6 to 5 Points Limited Evidence 10 to 9 Points 8 to 7 Points 4 to 3 Points Includes all of the Includes most of the Includes some of Includes few of the required required the required required components, as components, as components, as components, as specified in the specified in the specified in the specified in the assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. 20 to 17 Points 16 to 13 Points 12 to 9 Points 8 to 5 Points Demonstrates Some significant Major errors or Fails to strong or adequate but not major errors omissions in demonstrate knowledge of the demonstration of knowledge of the knowledge. materials. or omissions in materials; correctly demonstration of represents knowledge. knowledge from the readings and sources. 1/4 2/3/2018 Problem Solving Synthesis and ENG102_CTRubric_Mod03 Meets Approaches Below Expectation Expectation Expectation 20 to 17 Points 16 to 13 Points 12 to 9 Points 8 to 5 Points Demonstrates Some significant Major errors or Fails to Limited Evidence strong or adequate but not major errors omissions in demonstrate thought and insight or omissions in problem solving. problem solving. in problem solving. problem solving. 25 to 21 Points 20 to 16 Points 15 to 11 Points 10 to 6 Points Demonstrates Some significant Major errors or Fails to Evaluation strong or adequate but not major errors omissions in demonstrate synthesis and or omissions in synthesis and synthesis and evaluation of synthesis and evaluation. evaluation. 8 to 7 Points 6 to 5 Points 4 to 3 Points Sources or Sources or Sources or Source or example examples meet examples meet examples do not selection and required criteria required criteria but meet required course concepts in evaluation. the research process. Sources/Examples 10 to 9 Points integration of and are well chosen are less than criteria and/or are knowledge from the to provide adequately chosen poorly chosen to course is clearly substance and to provide provide substance deficient. perspectives on the substance and and perspectives issue under perspectives on the on the issue under examination. issue under examination. examination. 2/4 2/3/2018 Sources ENG102_CTRubric_Mod03 Meets Approaches Below Expectation Expectation Expectation Limited Evidence 10 to 9 Points 8 to 7 Points 6 to 5 Points 4 to 3 Points Cites and Cites and Cites and Cites and integrates at least integrates four integrates two integrates no five credible credible sources, credible sources, credible sources. sources, as as specified in as specified in specified in description. description. description. Mechanics and Writing Demonstrates Meets Approaches Below Limited Expectation Expectation Expectation Evidence 10 to 9 Points 8 to 7 Points 6 to 5 Points 4 to 3 Points Project is clearly Project is fairly well Project is poorly Project is not organized, well organized and written, organized; does not organized or well written, and in and is in proper format, follow proper paper written, and is not proper format, as as outlined in the outlined in the assignment.Reasonably to inadequate format. Poor assignment. good sentence and sentence and quality work; Strong sentence paragraph structure; paragraph unacceptable in and paragraph significant number of development; terms of grammar structure; few errors in grammar and numerous errors in and spelling. college-level proficiency in organization, grammar and style format.Inconsistent errors in grammar spelling. grammar and and spelling. spelling. in proper paper 3/4 2/3/2018 Demonstrates ENG102_CTRubric_Mod03 Meets Approaches Below Limited Expectation Expectation Expectation Evidence 10 to 9 Points 8 to 7 Points 6 to 5 Points 4 to 3 Points Project contains Few errors in APA Significant errors in Numerous errors proper APA formatting, according to APA formatting, in APA formatting, formatting, the CSU-Global Guide according to the according to the according to the to Writing and APA, CSU-Global Guide CSU-Global Guide CSU-Global with no more than two to to Writing and APA, to Writing and Guide to Writing three significant errors. proper use of APA style and APA, with no more than one with four to five APA, with more significant errors. than five significant errors. significant error. Max Points for Content, Research, and Analysis 95 Max Points for Mechanics and Writing 20 Total Points Possible 115 4/4
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Annotated Bibliography
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Research Plan on Drug Addiction.
Majority of people do not understand how other individuals become drug addicts because
of the little knowledge on the moral principles on the right amount of usage. Drug addiction is a
chronic disease which is characterized by the essence of seeking drugs by using in a compulsive
manner making it difficult to do without the drugs. The research paper will discuss the possible
causes of drug addiction within the people in America, the social challenges as well as how to
manage the problems associated with drugs. As a result, the annotated bibliography will describe
the articles that will be used in the research paper for discussing addiction of drugs.
Annotated Bibliography.
Everitt, B. J., & Robbins, T. W. (2013). From the ventral to the dorsal striatum: devolving views
of their roles in drug addiction. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 37(9), 19461954.
The article focuses on the views which are developed through the role of drug addiction
from the point of voluntary use to the habitual transition into the compulsive use. Further, the
authors describe the changes which are based on the striatal control exposed through drugseeking behavior which expresses the functional heterogeneity in the use of harmful drugs.
Moreover, the article also explains the hypothesis gathered from the data obtained on the level of
the emergence of the compulsive seeking of drugs. This is because the result found establishes
the reflection in the shift to the dorsal control of striatal over the behavior as well as the impaired
inhibitory control mechanical processes. The article is essential in the research since it
enumerates the aspects of voluntary to the compulsive use of drugs and the effects of
impulsivity. Besides, it highlights the behavior of addiction involved in the development of
seeking drug habits within the affected individuals.



Dart, R. C., Surratt, H. L., Cicero, T. J., Parrino, M. W., Severtson, S. G., Bucher-Bartelson, B.,
& Green, J. L. (2015). Trends in opioid analgesic abuse and mortality in the United
States. New England Journal of Medicine, 372(3), 241-248.
This article describes the trends that have been practiced in the use of prescription of the
medication of opioid and the results obtained in the United States over the past two decades. As a
result, it has involved various stakeholders in this field which have include...

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