I did the SIOP checklist but want to make sure I did it correctly and need someone to do the reflection on it.My professor has me second guessing myself and I don't usually do that. I m an A student and trying not to jeopardize that. Here is the assignment details:
Allocate at least 10 hours in the field to support this field experience.
For this assignment, observe, and assess at least one lesson involving ELLs using the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) checklist in Sheltered Content Instruction: Teaching English Learners with Diverse Abilities.
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.
Submit a copy of the checklist with a 250-word reflection on this experience. Address the following questions in your reflection:
- Were the students aware of the class language and content objectives?
- How did the teacher instruct the content and language objectives?
- What type of student group configurations were used? How many different types of student configurations were used?
- How did the teacher accommodate for different ELP levels?
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
GCU Assignment 2 Details w/Clarification - ELL Classroom Observation
Hi Class,
The following assignment details have been copy/pasted from the Tasks>Assignment>ELL Classroom Observation assignment details page in Loudcloud. I have provided clarification to help you identify key areas of focus so you can concentrate on that content as you complete the assignment. As usual, my comments are in a different color to help you identify them quickly.
For this assignment, observe, and assess at least one lesson(the mentor does NOT need to be teaching a lesson using SIOP, rather, you are demonstrating your understanding of SIOP by identifying the various elements of SIOP in the lesson) involving ELLs using the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) checklist in Sheltered Content Instruction: Teaching English Learners with Diverse Abilities attached in the following post.
Submit a copy of the checklist (be sure to support your scores with a few comments to justify your selection in the comment areas provided) with a 250-word reflection on this experience. Address the following questions in your reflection:
- Were the students aware of the class language and content objectives?
- How did the teacher instruct the content and language objectives?
- What type of student group configurations were used? How many different types of student configurations were used?
- How did the teacher accommodate for different ELP levels?
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. A pre-formatted template has been provided with the checklist and room for your essay with all headings included. PLEASE USE IT as it makes evaluation much more efficient when I only have to open 1 file per student.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. However, keep in mind that the inclusion of the provided checklist and template will generate a high TII score... this is to be expected due to the high amount of similar text that is included. FOCUS on the content YOU add to the template. Remember to change the settings when you review your report to include quoted material to ensure you receive an accurate report of the amount of similar material.
- Absolutely no more than 20% of your assignment can be from other sources.
- Highlighted material that comes from use of the template or list of references will NOT count in the overall percentage.
- You are responsible for checking this.
- All instructors are required to review TII reports and require revision if it does not meet the guidelines. Typically, a 20% reassignment penalty will apply, and further action may be necessary such as a Code of Conduct report for academic dishonesty... even in cases when you are given the opportunity to revise and resubmit.
- Please keep this in mind as this is GCU policy to protect its graduates and online programs from scrutiny.
Document the hours and locations that you spend in the field on your electronic Clinical Field Experience Verification Form. Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form with the last assignment by the assignment due date. Directions for submitting can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center. your completed verification form are attached in the next post. Submit with an assignment when ALL hours are complete, or by the last day of the course with your final assignment... whichever comes first.
Week 4 Assignment 2 Tips/Resources - ELL Classroom Observation PLEASE READ!
Hi Class,
You have 2 assignments due this week... this particular post is specifically for the ELL Classroom Observation Using SIOP. If you need the resources for the Building Vocabulary essay, please exit this post and open the Week 4 Assignment 1 Tips/Resources - Building Vocabulary... post.
For the observation you are to:
- Observe a lesson taught by your mentor looking specifically for implementation of SIOP components. The time spent observing the lesson contributes to your required practicum hours.
- If you have not been able to secure a suitable practicum setting, you may use the video at this link - to complete the assignment; however, YOU MAY NOT count any time toward your required practicum hours. Only time spent with your mentor can be used toward your practicum hours.
- Fill out the Checklist portion of the template during the observation providing 2-3 statements in each comment area to justify the score selected.
- Complete the essay portion using the headings and format provided below the checklist. APA format is NOT required. Turnitin IS required.
Remember to change the settings when you review your report to include quoted material to ensure you receive an accurate report of the amount of similar material. Absolutely no more than 20% of your assignment can be from other sources. However, that said, any highlighted material that comes from use of the template, creating the chart of groups, or list of references will NOT count in the overall percentage. You are responsible for checking this. All instructors are required to review TII reports and require revision if it does not meet the guidelines. Typically, a 20% reassignment penalty will apply, and further action such as a Code of Conduct report for academic dishonesty... even in cases when you are given the opportunity to revise and resubmit. Please keep this in mind as this is GCU policy to protect its graduates and online programs from scrutiny.
Attachments included:
SIOP Checklist - Obsv TEMPLATE - use this to complete your observation and write your reflection
ELL Classroom Observation GCU-embedded RUBRIC - use this to review how the assignment will be evaluated
Submitting Multiple Attachments - use this IF your field experience verification form is complete and ready to submit (IT IS NOT DUE UNTIL WEEK 8, but you can submit it now if it is complete)
Attached FilesSIOP Checklist - Obsv TEMPLATE.docx
ELL Classroom Observation GCU-embedded RUBRIC.pdf
Submitting Multiple Attachments.pdf
Language Learning Strategies
Hi Class,
According to Oxford (1990, p18-21), there are six mains types of language learning strategies. These can be divided into three categories which are below. As you look at these three categories and two components under each, how could these be utilized to teach academic vocabulary?
Asking questions
- Asking for clarification or verification
- Asking for correction
Co-operating with others
- Co-operating with peers
- Co-operating with proficient users of the new language
Empathizing with others
- Developing cultural understanding
- Becoming aware of others' thoughts and feelings (Oxford, 1990a, p. 21)
Oxford, R. (1990a). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. New York: Newbury House.
Below is a visual that includes ideas to integrate language learning strategies into your classroom, how would integrate these?
Unformatted Attachment Preview
Purchase answer to see full attachment
Explanation & Answer
Thank you so much
Running head: Checklist
Institution affiliation:
The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) CHECKLIST
Practicum School: Labrum Middle School
Mentor Teacher:
Grade/Grade range:6/8
Language Proficiency level(s): Proficient to non
Observer: Diane Tschopp
GCU Course: ESL 433n
GCU Course instructor: Katie Kosier
Directions: During 1 class period, observe a lesson taught by your mentor teacher. Score each of the 30 features
below based upon how evident it was presented during the lesson. Points are earned according to the value at
the top of each section (maximum of 4 points to minimum of -4). Score each feature by placing an “X” in the
box based upon your observation and evaluation of this 1 lesson. Provide a few comments where space is
provided to justify the scores earned (i.e. what evidence did you see, not see, or needed improvement that
determined the score you selected?)
Points Possible – 120
Points Earned: ___103__
Percentage Score (Earned/Possible): _____
SIOP Components/Features
1. Content objectives clearly defined, displayed, and
reviewed with students
2. Language Objectives clearly defined, displayed and
reviewed with students
3. Content concepts appropriate for age and educational X
background level of students
4. Supplementary materials used to a high degree,
making the lesson clear and meaningful (e.g., computer
programs, graphs, models, visuals)
5. Adaptation of content (e.g., text, assignment) to all
levels of student proficiency
6. Meaningful activities that integrate lesson concepts
(e.g., surveys, letter writing, simulations, constructing
models) with language practice opportunities for reading,
writing, listening, and/or speaking
Comments to justify the scores selected above: The teacher has tried to make adaptions for the
student in her own native language by putting a template on the assignment for her to learn
vocabulary words by giving the English word and having her put the Portuguese word for it.
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