Please Respond to Week 5 Post Discussion:

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Business Finance



Please review attached. Please respond to Post discussion and respond to classmate response. Videos are attached for more resource. Pleas let me know if more information is needed. Thank you

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Please Respond to Week 5 Post Discussion: After watching the video titled Scripps*, (also located in the Learn section), isolate one (1) aspect of the Scripps recruitment and interview process that could be most attributable to Scripps' ample supply of registered nurses. Explain how you could apply this aspect at your current (or former) place of work. Post a response to this prompt and respond to 1-2 peers. Note: Flash Player Click this video to watch an introductory explanation of recruitment and selection as explained by People Squad. Video 1 - HR Basics: Recruitment & Selection (3:43) Scripps is a company that is consistently able to find and hire qualified nurses, despite a nursing shortage. How do they do this? Watch the video to learn about their successful recruitment and hiring methods. Video 2 - Scripps (8:05) Please respond to classmates’ post below: The Scripps recruitment and interview process allows their organization to review the potential candidates and hire those meet or exceed expectations for their job position. For example, one of the aspects Scripps utilize during the interview process is allowing current team members of the group to participate during the interview process and understanding the candidate's goals, personal and professional behaviors, and team working abilities. These factors allow the hiring manager to make a quick decision on whether if the individual is a potential candidate. From my experience at my current employer, our former manager allowed myself and other senior members of the group to participate in the interview process of potential candidates, to fully understand if the candidate is a fit for the group, based on teamwork abilities, mentoring abilities, and personal and professional behavior. In short, the last expectation of our group was to hire an individual who was not a fit and possibly cause future issues and concerns with projects and job responsibilities.
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Responding to the Discussion Post
From the video, it can be noted that Scripps has an excellent hiring method and there is
the need for a projection plan. The HR of Scripps has a concept that if an individual has high
skills standards together with values of what nurses contribute to care then, they would be able to
attract qualified, talented candidates. Scripps has a system that gives the organization a projected
number of individual...

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