Marketing Plan

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I've started this assignment - - it needs to be restricted and more information added to meet the word count. Draft 1 Word doc contains what has been written so far. The Marketing Plan doc is what needs to be in the assignment.

The product is: Extend-Ur-Shade Visor (extended sun shade visor)

Week 1

Complete Section I of the attached MKT 308 Marketing Plan Template. In this section you will introduce the company and product or service for your marketing plan. This should be a new product or service, or a new positioning or market for an existing product or service.

In Week 1 you should address the following elements in approximately 650 words:

*I.A. Product/Service Description.

* I.B. Mission Statement and Values.

* I.C. Marketing Objectives.

Include a minimum of two scholarly sources

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1 Running head: MARKET PLAN Marketing Plan HB Design is a new company established with the vision of bringing world-wide designers together to create and manufacture unique products for everyday consumers. We are a registered LLC and located in Phoenix Arizona; we are led by an experienced board of directors and strong executive team. Our goal is to design, manufacture, and sell unique products that enhance any lifestyle. Our newest product is a unique visor that provides extra protection from the blinding sun during the day and reduces the glare caused by oncoming headlights at night. The Extend-Ur-Shade Visor attaches easily to your existing visor with clips to extend shade coverage. All visors have a tinted, UVblocking screen that pulls down to reduce glare, plus a panel that extends 9" left or right to block the sun where your visor doesn't reach. The automotive industry is currently the largest manufacturer of sun visor products (xx). HB Design has partnered with automotive companies to manufacture after-market sun visors to match the interior design of a vehicle and provide extended shade coverage. North America is currently leading the market and is anticipated to grow at the same rate for the next five years. Europe and Asia-Pacific indicate favorable promise as regions with new market opportunities (xx). Vehicles come equipped with two standard sun visors, one on the driver’s side and a second on the passenger side. Visors can be lowered to help block the sunlight entering through the windshield. When the sun is setting, or for shorter drivers, standard visors fail to block the sunlight and function as designed. Extend-Ur-Shade Visor is exceptionally designed to extend shade coverage to block sunlight from the front or to the side with a mesh material that does not hinder driver visibility. A quick search of the internet allows consumers to locate hundreds of manufacturers and products that claim to have similar features and provide coverage like Extend-Ur-Shade Visor. A few core competitors are Zone Tech, Bell Automotive, and Visormates; all companies that specialize in selling after-market automotive sun visors (xx). We believe HB Design has established a competitive edge in that we work directly with various automotive companies to match the interior color and design for a given vehicle. We use a tinted, UV-mesh blocking screen that does not hinder driver visibility and offers extended visor coverage blocking sunlight from the front or to the side as needed. MKT 308 Week 7 Final Plan 1 Marketing Plan Template Instructions Use this template for developing your marketing plan throughout the course, following the weekly assignments to determine which sections are to be completed that week. By the end of week seven all sections will have been completed and you will submit the completed template. As you complete each section delete the information in italics (including this instruction page) but keep all bold headings. Information should not be repeated in different places apart from the brief Executive Summary. The goal is precision and focus. You may use the charts inserted for the SWOT or STEEP analyses, or format the required information in an alternative manner. Remember that you must list all references compiled from each week’s assignments and there should be citations for every reference within the paper. The plan should be written in the 3rd person. This is a business plan. SHORT TITLE OF PAPER 2 Title of Paper Your Name MKT 308 – Marketing Management Date Instructor name SHORT TITLE OF PAPER 3 I. Product Description A. Product/Service Description Create a name for your business and describe the product or service that you have chosen. There should be a rationale which explains the industry in which it competes, identifies the key competitors and makes a case as to why there is potential for your product/service. Be sure to include citations in the text for any facts and figures and include the references for them at the end of the paper on the reference page. This section should be approximately 650 words. NOTE: This information should not be repeated elsewhere in the plan. B. Mission Statement and Values Provide the mission statement of your company and the core values. This section should be approximately 50 words. C. Marketing Objectives List your core marketing objectives for your first year. They can be in bullet-point format. SHORT TITLE OF PAPER 4 References List all of your references alphabetically. You should have at least one citation for every reference in the body of your plan. Use the reference and citation generator in the “Writing Center” to ensure that all references and citations are correctly formatted.
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by Robert F

Submission date: 06-Feb-2018 07:58PM (UT C-0500)
Submission ID: 912212333
File name: MKT _308_-_Mrketing_Plan.docx (29.5K)
Word count: 872
Character count: 4815













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Running head: MARKET PLAN


MKT 308 – Marketing Management


Marketing Plan


Product/Service Description
Extend-Ur-Shade Visor aims to offer a wide range of trendy visors and glasses at


Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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