The Human Element
Course Learning Outcomes for Unit III
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:
8. Examine effective means of communicating safety and health issues in the workplace.
8.1 Analyze the effects of accidents on individuals, including how this may increase stress levels.
8.2 Analyze the importance of safety and health training, including refresher training.
Reading Assignment
Chapter 2:
Accidents and Their Effects
Chapter 12:
Safety and Health Training
Chapter 13:
Violence in the Workplace
Chapter 27:
Hazard Analysis/Prevention and Safety Management
Unit Lesson
Chapter 2: Accidents and Their Effects
In this chapter, Goetsch (2015) begins to provide an appreciation for the overall cost that is associated with
workplace injuries and illnesses. The one area not mentioned is that of the cost of workers’ compensation. As
with any other insurance company, workers’ compensation rates are going to be based upon the number of
cases reported for the particular industry in question. Other costs that may be associated with this, particularly
if the organization in question has their own health insurance policies, is the cost of the health insurance to
both the individual employee (through the form of rising premiums) and also rising premiums for the company
itself. This is where wellness programs can really assist—especially those programs associated with weight
loss and smoking cessation.
It is important to understand how wellness plays a huge role in injuries both at work and outside of work.
Additionally, mental wellness is a big part of this. Long before society became familiar with the term PTSD
(post-traumatic stress disorder), there were other efforts to understand and cope with those conditions that
the employee may be exposed to when they witness or are somehow involved with a major or traumatic event
at work. This effort is often associated with law enforcement or other first-responding organizations as well as
utility workers, to name a few, and it is referred to as critical incident stress management (CISM). Other
organizations have developed something similar to this, in which case there is a critical incident stress
management team (CIST) that essentially acts as an intervention and talks to the individual affected shortly
after the event has occurred. This helps to defuse (for lack of a better term) the effect of the incident so that
the individual does not develop PTSD. To find out more information on CISM, conduct a simple web search
for this topic. You may also find training aids, PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and even training so that
you can form your own team and be certified.
MOS 5101, Safety and Accident Prevention
Chapter 27: Hazard Analysis/Prevention and Safety Management
When discussing accident investigations, it is important to have some critical tools at your disposal. This way,
you can gain an appreciation regarding what the actual accident investigation may involve. At the same time,
you should also be aware of these processes because they often, in at least one form or another, have
already been conducted during the product development stage. A good understanding of these types of
processes forms a good background for the investigator.
Under the section on cost-benefit analysis (or CBA), Goetsch (2015) discusses how a company would not
necessarily want to spend $10 to fix a $1 problem. This is true. However, if you will recall when we were
discussing issues on product liability and how the United States is the most litigious nation in the world, before
an organization decides not to spend the $10, there really needs to be a thorough fault tree analysis in order
to make sure that the $1 problem is not going to cause some other major problem that could wind up having
catastrophic effects.
Note the sample form in the textbook on page 564 that you can utilize in your own workplaces to conduct a
hazard assessment, if you do not already have such a form or process.
On page 574 of your textbook, Goetsch begins to discuss those requirements under 29 CFR 1910.120,
commonly referred to as the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)
Standard. For those of you who have never been through the 40-hour course on the subject, it is recommend
that you do so. The course itself provides a very good overview of the use of personal protective equipment
(PPE), air sampling, respiratory protection, heat stress, confined space operations, and many other areas of
the OSHA regulations. Even if you are not currently involved with hazardous materials, this course provides
solid and generalized background on those topics that a good number of safety personnel find themselves
involved with. This can come from something as simple as a car fire in the employee parking lot to an errant
delivery driver accidentally causing an unintentional release. Other areas where some basic tenets of this
standard can be found include the acquisition of new property or excavations on land that is expected to be
Your textbook also provides a quick discussion on the actual management of a safety program. It is important
that everything is quantified or described to the point where there is no mistake as to what the report is
stating. This goes for diagrams and photographs as well. Any and all recommendations need to include who
these recommendations were sent to and why, and the results should be annotated. Any new procedure or
modification of an existing procedure or piece of equipment needs to be followed up to ensure that the cure
did not create a bigger hazard. Sometimes, what looks good on paper has no practicality in the workplace. In
the “Ongoing Monitoring” section of your textbook (see p. 579), the one thing that may work the best here are
walkthroughs (i.e., inspections, surveys, audits, etc.). In other words, you cannot be a safety professional by
sitting behind a desk!
Chapter 12: Safety and Health Training
This is the chapter on training. In the military, training is considered to be of utmost importance. There are two
adages they live by: train in the way you will fight (meaning that you should conduct realistic training) and
training is everything, and everything is training. This last adage simply means to turn everything into a
training lesson. In order to do this, it is important to conduct a review of the decision-making process and the
events that have just occurred and look at what participants learned from it. This review is referred to as an
after-action review (AAR). These can be formal (in writing) or informal, which often take the form of a verbal
discussion. Any action that needs to be taken, such as the purchase of new equipment or a change in the
way the existing equipment or methods are used or implemented, has to be written down and assigned to an
individual to accomplish. This way, you assign responsibility for the change.
The other thing about training adults is the training itself should not only be realistic, but it should have
purpose. If you inform the learner why they are actually doing something, they get more value out of it. This is
the difference between education and training. If you inform the learner why they are learning something and
teach them about the subject, he or she will have an appreciation for the training session itself. This also has
a tendency of empowering employees to make their own decisions. Try to relate their learning experience to
how they can use the information presented in their personal life as well.
MOS 5101, Safety and Accident Prevention
The training session also has to have some form of validation, meaning that the
to make sure
that the respective students understand and are able to apply whatever it is they
were trained on. Often, this
is done in the form of a multiple-choice test. One might suggest that a better measure is for them to actually
apply what they have learned.
Finally, the need for reoccurring refresher training cannot be stressed enough. Just because the OSHA
standard does not require refresher training, this does not mean that you should not do it. All of you can recall
learning something in the past—maybe from school or maybe from a training session—and now you can no
longer remember what it was that you learned. This is where the old use it or lose it saying comes into play.
Through the application of refresher training, you can actually create a subculture in which the tasks that you
are having your memory refreshed on become second nature. The refresher training does not have to be
elaborate; it just needs to be presented to employees in such a fashion that jogs their memories so that they
know what to do when the time comes.
Chapter 13: Violence in the Workplace
Acts of terrorism and violence in the workplace have claimed (and continue to claim) more lives than
necessary. No one should be involved in working alone, and there should be an emergency call system
available to everyone in the event that acts of violence occur. This is especially true for receptionists or other
individuals that may be the first contact for personnel outside of the organization.
There are other things that organizations can do to help reduce the potential threat of workplace violence. The
use of a code word to send out a distress signal to other coworkers is also quite prominent. These words can
be easily worked into a typical conversation and are known only to the employees of the organization. These
words signal that something is amiss and that the other individual who hears the word should contact security
or call 911.
Another area for violence in the workplace is how to handle bomb threats. Your local police department can
provide invaluable information on how this should be handled. Additionally, the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) provides a sample of what a bomb threat card should look like. Just go to the
website linked below to download this version of the FEMA card:
Goetsch, D. L. (2015). Occupational safety and health for technologists, engineers, and managers (8th ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Suggested Reading
In order to access the resources below, you must first log into the myCSU Student Portal and access the
ABI/INFORM Complete database within the CSU Online Library.
The article below addresses the need for safety training in the workplace:
Johnson, D. (2015). OSHA oil & gas conference 2014. ISHN, 49(2), 30.
The article below discusses how mental illness and other external factors can contribute to workplace
Metzl, J. M., & MacLeish, K. T. (2015). Mental illness, mass shootings, and the politics of American firearms.
American Journal of Public Health, 105(2), 240-249.
MOS 5101, Safety and Accident Prevention
The article below addresses the use of electronic training in the workplace:
Nakayama, S., & Jin, G. (2015). Safety training: Enhancing outcomes through virtual environments.
Professional Safety, 60(2), 34-38.
In the article below, one method of providing refresher training is applied. Using these methods, one was able
to train over 800 people in a four day period of time:
Olds, J. (2013). Refresher training: Considerations in the public sector. Professional Safety, 58(2), 44-49.
MOS 5101, Safety and Accident Prevention
Grading Rubric:
Level 5:
41 (41%) - 45 (45%)
No directly quoted material is present. The annotation is concise and provides a good summary of the type of
source, topic, argument, rationale, or interpretation
Writing Mechanics:
9 (9%) - 10 (10%)
Writing is clear and concise. Sentence structure and grammar are excellent. Correct use of punctuation. No spelling
Evaluation of Sources:
32 (32%) - 35 (35%)
Sources were critically evaluated. Student explained why each source was selected and how it is of value to the
topic. High-quality sources, such as peer-reviewed articles and empirical studies (quantitative and qualitative),
published within the last five years were used.
Citations and Formatting:
9 (9%) - 10 (10%)
The number of sources meets or exceeds any expressed assignment requirements. Every source used is peerreviewed or academic in nature. Reference entries and in-text citations follow APA formatting guidelines and are
free of errors. All in-text citations are referenced and vice versa.
Annotated Bibliography
Student Name
Professor Name
Annotated Bibliography
Triple click your mouse anywhere in this paragraph to replace this text with your
introduction. Often the most important paragraph in the entire essay, the introduction grabs the
reader's attention—sometimes a difficult task for academic writing. When writing an
introduction, some approaches are best avoided. Avoid starting sentences with “The purpose of
this essay is . . .” or “In this essay I will . . .” or any similar flat announcement of your intention
or topic. Read more: Center for Writing Excellence>Tutorials and Guides>Essay
Development>Guidelines for Writing Academic Essays.
Level One Heading
This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, triple click your mouse on this line
of text and replace the information with your reference entry. You can use the Reference
and Citation Examples (Center for Writing Excellence>Tutorials and Guides>Reference
and Citation Examples) to help format your source information into a reference entry.
The reference page always begins on the top of the next page after the conclusion.
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