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Home ownership--is it still a part of your American dream? Are you a home owner or do you plan on being one? What are the pros and cons of renting versus buying? This assignment gives you a better idea of what to expect in each case.

Review your Week 4 Learning Activities, especially Focus on Personal Finance, Ch. 7.

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Homes: Renting and Buying Worksheet FP/100 Version 1 University of Phoenix Material Homes: Renting and Buying Worksheet 1. Complete the “Buy or Rent Your Next Home” exercise on the Bankrate website: Respond to each of the following in a minimum of 50 words: • What was the recommendation? • What were the factors that led to that recommendation? • Do you agree or disagree with the recommendation? Why? 2. Consider how economic conditions affect your decision to buy or rent (for example interest rates, unemployment rate, and inflation). Explain in a minimum of 100 words the main benefits and drawbacks of renting versus owning a home. 3. Review Exhibit 7-4 in Ch. 7, page 225 of Focus on Personal Finance. Summarize in at least 100 words the steps in the home-buying process. 4. Review Exhibit 7-6 in Ch. 7, page 230 of Focus on Personal Finance. Estimate the affordable monthly mortgage payment, the affordable mortgage amount, and the affordable home purchase price for the following situation. Show your calculations in the table below. • • • • • Monthly gross income: $2,950 Other Debt, monthly payment: $160 Down payment to be made: 15% of purchase price Monthly property tax and insurance: $210 30-year mortgage at 6% Enter your calculation and response in this column. Step 1. Start with the monthly gross income. $2,950 Step 2. Multiply Step 1 by .33 (which is the decimal form of 33%) for a PITI (principal, interest, taxes, and insurance) guideline. Step 3. Subtract “Other Debt” payments from the result of Step 2 to determine the Affordable Monthly Mortgage Payment. Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1 Homes: Renting and Buying Worksheet FP/100 Version 1 Step 4. Divide the result of Step 3 by 6.00 (this is the mortgage payment factor from Exhibit 7-7 based on a 30-year loan at 6%) and then multiply this by $1,000. This is the Affordable Mortgage Amount. Note: Does this amount seem reasonable for this scenario? If not, double-check your calculations. Step 5. Divide the affordable mortgage amount by .85 (This is 1 minus the down payment percentage) to determine the Affordable Home Purchase. Note: Does this amount seem reasonable for this scenario? If not, double-check your calculations. 5. If you were buying a home valued at $215,000, what is the minimum down payment you would need in order to avoid paying private mortgage insurance (PMI)? PMI is requested to protect the lender from potential default loss when there is insufficient equity in a home. 6. Debt payments-to-income ratios will likely be considered as you apply for a mortgage. The Focus on Personal Finance text suggests keeping this ratio below 20%. A mortgage lender will have their own ratio for all debt payments, including mortgage-to-income ratio, before they will consider approval. Using this information, answer the questions and show your calculations in the table below: • Net monthly income: $4,000 • Expected full mortgage payment (PITI): $1,000 • Student loan payment: $250 • Car payment: $300 Enter your calculation and response in this column. What is this person’s debt payments-toincome ratio? What is this person’s debt payments-toincome ratio when the full mortgage payment is included? If the mortgage lender required total payment to income ratio below 40%, would this person meet that standard? Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 2 Homes: Renting and Buying Worksheet FP/100 Version 1 If the mortgage lender required total payment to income ratio below 45%, what is the maximum monthly payments this person could have to meet the standard? Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 3
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