It is time to build the formulas needed to complete the income statement. Begin working on the Income Statement worksheet and complete formulas for all of the cells marked in gray.
- Enter the formula to calculate the Condo Rentals Revenue in C13 Multiple the Quantity of Condo Rental Days * the Price for Condo Rental.
- Enter the formula to calculate the Ski Lift Revenue in C14 Multiple the Quantity of Ski Lift Tickets * the Price for Ski Lift Tickets.
- Enter the formula to calculate the Winter X Games Revenue in C17 Multiple the Quantity of X Games Tickets * the Price for X Games Tickets.
- Enter the formula to calculate the Total Revenues in C20 and Total Expenses in C34.
- Make sure the cell references for Total Revenues and Total Expenses are placed in cells C37 and C38 respectively.
- Enter the formula to calculate the Net Income in cell C39.
- Apply professional formatting to all of this data using the image below as a guide.
Step 2: Build the One-Variable Data Tables
Now that the Income Statement is complete, begin to address the questions about the condo rentals and ski lift tickets.
- Build a one-variable data table based on condo rental days. The initial values for Revenue and Net Income for cells I6 and I7 should be cell references from the income statement.
- Build a one-variable data table based on the quantity of ski lift tickets. The initial values for Revenue and Net Income for cells I14 and I15 should be cell references from the income statement.
- Apply conditional formatting to highlight Net Income of at least $250,000 for each of the one-variable data tables.
- In cell G17, a question exists. "If management has a target net income of at least $250,000, which of the above SPECIFIC scenarios in the condo rentals or ski tickets one-variable data table would you recommend using? Explain your reasoning." Make sure you place your answer in the text box beginning in cell G20.
- Apply professional formatting to all of this data using the image below as a guide.
Step 3: Build the Two-Variable Data Table
- Build a two-variable data table based on the quantity and price of
the X Games tickets sold. Enter a reference to Net Income in
cell I27 from the income statement.
- Apply conditional formatting to highlight Net Income of at least $250,000 for each of the two-variable data table.
- In cell G37, a question exists. "If management has a target net income of at least $250,000. Which of the above SPECIFIC combinations of price and quantity of X Games Tickets in the two-variable data table would you recommend using? Explain your reasoning."
- Make sure you place your answer in the text box beginning in cell G40.
- Apply professional formatting to all of this data using the image below as a guide.
Step 4: Create the Scenario Summary
- Assign names to all of the income statement cell values in column C in the assumptions, revenues, expenses, and summary sections using the labels in column B. For example, select cells B5:C10, and then on the Formula tab in the Defined Names Group, select "Create from Selection" and use the left column as the name (repeat on lower sections).
- Build three scenarios by changing cells C8, C15, C16, C29, and C30 using the following data: Optimistic, Mid-range, and Pessimistic
- Generate the Scenario Summary using C37:C39 as the result cells.
- Move the Scenario Summary sheet after the Income Statement and apply
professional formatting to all of this data using the image below as a
Step 5: Create Pivot Tables From Warming Hut Data
- Use the Warming Hut Sales data to build Pivot Tables.
- Build the first Pivot Table to summarize total sales by category and by location. Name this sheet Pivot Table 1.
- Build the second Pivot Table to summarize total sales by category and by season for only the Summit View location. Name this sheet Pivot Table 2.
- Build the third Pivot Table to summarize total sales by month and by product for only the Mogul Hill location. Name this sheet Pivot Table 3.
- Choose one of the created Pivot Tables and add a professional chart to the same worksheet. Make sure you explain the chart and what it shows in your Documentation sheet.
- Apply professional formatting to all of this data using the image below as a guide.
Step 6: Create a Documentation Sheet
Insert a new spreadsheet into the workbook. The documentation sheet should be the first sheet in the workbook. - Make certain all contents of the workbook are properly noted on the documentation sheet. For the sheet with chart, add an explanation of the chart you selected and what this chart shows.
- Make certain each tab has a descriptive name for each tab (sheet) in the workbook.
- Create the professional documentation worksheet. Be sure to include a description of each worksheet. An image is provided below.
Finish and Submit
Your Excel file should contain seven worksheets. - Documentation Page
- Income Statement
- Scenario Summary
- WarmingHutSales
- Pivot Table 1
- Pivot Table 2
- Pivot Table 3
Unformatted Attachment Preview
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Explanation & Answer
Summit Ridge Mountain Resort
Income Statement
Income Statement
Scenario Summary
Warming Hut Sales
Pivot Table 1
Pivot Table 2
Pivote Table 3
Summit Ridge Mountain Resort
Income Statement
Student Name
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
To analyze sales to determie the best combinations for desired income.
The chart shows the sales by category and total sale by location.
Contains the income statement, Onde data variable table and two data variable table.
This helps in the analysis on the best combinations.
Contains the optimistic, Mid-range and pessimistic values of total revenue, total
expenses and net income.
Conrtains data for monthly sales revenue by season, category, product and location.
Contains Pivot table that summarizes the total sales by category and location
Contains the pivot table that summarizes the total sales by category and by season for
the summit view location.
Contains pivot table that summarizes the total sales by month and by product for the
Mogul hill location.
Summit Ridge Mountain Resort
One Variable Data
Income Statement
Current Year
Quantity of Condo Rental days
Price for Condo Rental
Quantity of Ski Lift tickets
Price for Ski Lift tickets
Quantity of X Games tickets
Price for X Games tickets
Effect of Varying Number of
One Variable Data
Condo Rental revenue
Ski Lift revenue
Ski Resort Restaurant revenue
Ski Resort Retail revenue
Winter X Games revenue
Other revenue
Total Revenues
Total Expenses
Total Revenue
Total Expenses
Net Income
Interest Expense
IT consultants
Maintenance and repairs
Office supplies
Net Income
Effect of Varying Number of
Net Income
Question ======>
If management has a target
Games Ticket
Response ======>
I would prefer a scenario wh
required an increase in sales
$250,000 is achieved.
Two Variable Data
cell needs a formula
Question ======>
If management has a target
Games Ticket
Response ======>
I will stick to 350 X games tic
Therefore I would be able to
become easy to sell the ticke
One Variable Data Table - Condo Rental Days
Effect of Varying Number of Condo Rental Days on Revenue and Net Income
Initial Values
$ 1,752,010 $1,701,260 $1,701,260 $1,752,010 $1,777,385 $1,802,760 $1,828,135
Net Income
One Variable Data Table - Ski Lift Tickets
Effect of Varying Number of Ski Lift Tickets on Revenue and Net Income
Initial Values
$ 1,752,010 $1,737,070 $1,757,820 $1,778,570 $1,799,320 $1,820,070 $1,840,820
Net Income
If management has a target net income of at least $250,000 which of the above SPECIFIC combinations of price and quantity of X
Games Tickets in the two variable data table would you recommend using? Explain your reasoning.
I would prefer a scenario where 5,500 ski lift tickets are sold. This is because to achieve a net income more than $250,000 will
required an increase in sales of the tickets. Varying the Rental days on the other side will exeed a year before the net income of
$250,000 is achieved.
Two Variable Data Table - X Games Tickets & Price
Effect of Varying Price for X Games Tickets on Revenue and Net Income
====> $
799 $118,253
899 $138,253
949 $148,253
999 $158,253
1049 $168,253
1099 $178,253
If management has a target net income of at least $250,000 which of the above SPECIFIC combinations of price and quantity of X
Games Tickets in the two variable data table would you recommend using? Explain your reasoning.
I will stick to 350 X games ticket at a price of 899. This is becase the price of the ticket would not be too much for the buyers.
Therefore I would be able to sell more tickets at a lower price and a minimum net income of $250,000. This is because it will
become easy to sell the tickets at an average price than to sell at higher price.
of price and quantity of X
re than $250,000 will
fore the net income of
of price and quantity of X
much for the buyers.
his is because it will
Scenario summary
Current value: