5 page persuasive ethics research paper please include a minimum of 3 sources in MLA format

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Please pick a topic and write a 5 page persuasive paper. Please don't write about abortion, the death penalty, mercy killing or stem cells. Please use at least 2 ethical theories to analyze your position. Please use at least 3 sources. Please use the MLA citation method include in-text citations and a work cited page

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Explanation & Answer


The Good Samaritan Dilemma
The Good Samaritan debate whether people should help strangers in need of their help
has raised a lot of concern in modern society. Some people believe that helping strangers poses a
greater risk to the good Samaritans while others hold that it is our moral obligation to help out
strangers and other people in need. Both parties provide much compelling evidence to support
their positions, but the supporters of good Samaritans provide more convincing evidence to
support their ideologies. I will argue from a moral perspective why people should help strangers
in need in ways within their limits. People have obligatory beneficence to help others in need and
promote other people’s wellbeing that forms the basis or morality (Braybrooke 50). Helping
other people in need is inevitable whether they are strangers or people close to us. Theoretically
and logically people should help others when they are in a position to do so. For the most
obvious reason, people should help others because at a point, they will one day find themselves
in a herculean position in need of other people’s help (Mack 340). Hence, the help given out at
one point comes back to us. As the old proverb goes, “What goes around comes around.” Thus,
despite the many objections raised against giving help to strangers, people should always make
an effort to help strangers as a world where no people help others cannot exist.
Human beings are bound by morals that govern their actions and interactions with others.
While benevolence is the prime principle that governs morals, people in modern society often

show apathy when other people are need. Numerous tragedies over the past years have spurred
agitated worldwide debate over the need for people to show concern to strangers in need. A case
that occurred in China in 2011 involving a young girl Yue Yue who was knocked over by two
vehicles that didn’t stop spurred a lot of agitation across the globe. After the accident, a total of
eighteen people passed without stopping until a scrap-collector picked her from the road and
unfortunately she died later in hospital. This is not the only case but a series of other similar
cases have being reported worldwide that calls for an action to encourage people to show
concern and help strangers who need their help. After the incidence that was caught on
surveillance and published online, the public outpoured with millions of people all over the
world posting their outrage on social media. The outrag...

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