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#1 I feel like I've been a 33 year old woman with her head stuck in the clouds my whole life. Each weeks discussions and assignments have introduced new ideas, problems and questions that I've never before even thought about it or believed to be an issue. As my daughters have become older and more impressionable I have consistently noticed I've had to monitor and sometimes block the things they see or hear on TV. The Cartoon Network isn't for children! This I learned the hard way... In the video Miss Representation they mentioned "you can't be what you can't see." I don't want my daughters growing up thinking it's okay for a teacher and student to have sexual relationships like in the television show Pretty Little Liars, which is on what use to be called The Family Channel, but has recently been renamed FreeForm by the way! Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel aren't much better at portraying girls in a role other than someone who is pretty, not so smart and always looking for a boy to like her. This view that girls only have power with beauty isn't something that is going to change over night. Our generation now, as adults, need to make sure we're being proper role models to both girls and boys. We need to show the boys that it's okay for a girl to be just as good as you or better. We need to show our sons that the girl who just "schooled" them in basketball is a gifted athlete and not start the female name bashing because we're afraid he will feel inferior. We need to show our daughters that its okay for a woman to be a mother and have a promising career and be in a position of power. The symbolic inhalation that was referred to in this video or the question of what role do I play in this world can be changed, but it will take time. The mass media is essentially controlled by us as consumers, if we stop watching or don't continue to buy the product, their sales techniques will change. The catch is, how do you get this movement to ignite in today's society? I fully admit that before I started this course I didn't really see too many problems with women in today's culture. I grew up believing and having been taught that as a woman I can do anything I want as long as I work hard to achieve it, that I have no more barriers. I never questioned the roles I consistently saw women being portrayed as when I watch my nightly television shows. If something came on TV and I didn't think it appropriate for my daughters I'd simply change the channel. I'm all for bringing back the family hour on television and establishing harder rules for what's considered acceptable family viewing. Leave the sex, violence and beer commercials for later at night when the kids have gone to bed. #2 After watching these two videos i saw many similarities in both videos while talking about standards shown to young boys and girls. They both explain how the media and movies that we show to our children and some classic movies i personally hold dear to me. These movies may be portraying the wrong moral values for boys building up to their manhood. In the TED Talk video stated by Colin stokes "Why is there so much Force and so little yellow brick road?" Meaning Why are some movies giving the example that men will be reward with a woman. If they use violence and become the lone wolf instead of being the team player with less influence of violence. While the female characters for some animation movies are the leaders that is willing to save the day by making peace and friendships. This may be a positive influence for girls, but the real question should be what are the boys are not absorbing or not being shown that the girls are. Now watching the video Miss Representation, it shows how the media creates this unrealistic view of women so young girls are extremely self-conscious or even hurting themselves. Because they cannot meet this expectation that is shown not only to them but to the boy and men also see through the media. As if they aren’t good enough and the only way to get power is by being sexual or provocative. In Miss Representation stated by Lisa Ling "as a culture woman are brought up to be fundamentally insecure". Meaning women are already supposed to base there lives around men or the goal of finding prince charming and getting married. Even though both videos don’t seem similar at first because one talking about what we are showing boy then how we portray women. The similarity is how we are using the media and movies to set the wrong standard for boy and girls. Giving these types of stereotypical examples to young minds is creating a view of women come second to men or they are nothing without a man. Girls become insecure women they think all they need is a man by the examples they see on movies or media outlets. While men get the example to treat and judge women as harsh as possible because we as a society have already given them this unrealistic picture of how a woman “should” act.
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Suppose the media fails to control the content which is presenting on a daily basis what
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