Running head: PROBLEMS EXIST
Assignment 2: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists
Stayer University
Teresa Sease
Neil Conway
Eng 125
Feb 1, 2018
Problem Exists
Should regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving be standardized?
Over the years accidents have been happening all across the United States, due to
being distracted by the use of mobile phones, they have a higher risk of an at-fault collision than
drivers who don’t. Since the increase in cell phone sales, the roads ways are becoming
potentially dangerous. Driving while talking on the phone is somewhat like driving while
intoxicated both of these factors can contribute to collisions. It only takes a second for triages to
occur. Many lives have been changing or even destroyed by this type of behavior. In today's
society, a majority of things obstruct people's abilities to stay focus on a task. Television, video
games, noisy environments, and even the use of cellular devices while driving. However, should
regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving be standardized?
Problems that are associated with this are: Why is using a hand-held phone is an issue?
The road demands a certain amount of driver’s concentration when operating a motor vehicle. It
is impossible to focus on your driving if there is a distraction entirely. In 1983 it was when the
world was first introduced to the Motorola cellular phone, and then by 2005 due to the rapid
growth of cell phones, it was estimated that 207.9 million people had subscribed to a wireless
phone plan. In 2006 researchers have proven that an estimate that 80% of drivers inattention is a
leading source of motor vehicle accidents.(Brown pg.31) Basically cell phones can be of a
benefit as well as a lousy use when talking with friends, family and when taking care of business.
Technology is moving forward whether we like it or not, but regardless of the welfare being; it is
a hazard risk that us humans take when driving. It is likely there will be continuous
Problem Exists
investigations about using cell phones and its distractions that they could cause while driving
while.( Wogalter & Mayhorn)
What are the laws in different states regarding the usage of cell phones and what are they
doing about it? Some States have banned using the handheld phone, and others have not. In the
state of South Caroline there is no law stating that you cannot use a handheld the device while
you're driving, however, if you are texting, you will be cited. Kanas and Missouri state law that
must have hands-free devices. Some states laws consider texting while driving a primary offense.
However, others believe it the be a secondary offense. The penalties can be minor to significant
for example points, fines, or making people take driving classes. Either way, there are
differences in state-to-state laws on the severity of the need to try to stop people from texting
while driving.
The reason why there is so much debate over the usage of phones while driving is
because of the increase in vehicle deaths especially among the youth population. There’s no
doubt that there are younger drivers and with the advance of technology has contributed to all of
these accidents. A person has to at some point take their eyes off the road to look at their phone,
whether it’s answering or dialing a number. There have been cities and municipality who has
taken it upon them to make stricter laws and to have them enforced because it has become a top
concern in the increase of fatal car accident due to texting and driving. Because of some
preemption by some state laws, cities and municipality are unable to enact their cell phone laws.
These rules are not there just to be there; they propose to find ways to keep drivers eyes and
attention on the road to reduce to some fatal accidents that could be prevented.
Problem Exists
Mention earlier about the comparison of a drunk driver to a driver who may be texting.
The difference is not much different at all. A drunk driver may fall asleep behind the wheel while
a person who is texting having to look down for a few seconds to dial a number answer a phone,
or for some reason, they just have to look at the phone because of other activities that may be
going on, on the phone. Both are being distracted taking their attention for driving while would
make a car a few seconds to go into another lane or off the sides. No one can fully concentrate on
more than one thing that causes for their undivided attention. There should be stricter laws on the
usage of the phone while driving to reduce the accident rate. In November 2001, New York
became the only state in America to ban hand-held cell phones while driving. They later did a
study about and found that at one point drivers did start obeying the law but some after, they
were back using their phones as before the ban.(Brown pg.34)
By making a federal law that all states need to go by which would ensure that the banning
of drivers texting with very harsh and strict penalties would reduce accident rates everywhere
and all laws would be in agreement as to what the penalties would be. Can we prevent tragedies
on the highways that could end or change someone life?
Problem Exists
Brown, K. (2012). Steering the nation's cell phone laws in the right direction. Temple Journal of
Science, Technology & Environmental Law
Hahn, R.W.& Dudley, P. M., (2003). The disconnection between law and policy analysis: A case
study of drivers and cell phones. Vol 55, No.1 pg.127-185. Retrieved from
Wogalter, M.S., & Mayhorn, C B. (2005).Perceptions of driver distraction by cellular phone
users and nonusers. Human Factors, 47(2), 455-467
Appendix B: Peer Review Feedback Form 2
Reviewer’s Name:_________________________________________
Writer’s Assigned #: _______________________________________
Section: ___________
Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 2: Solution and Advantages
Peer reviews should provide feedback to a peer on the criteria expected in the paper. Follow these
1) Receive a classmate’s paper from the the “Essay Drop off / Pick up Zone” in Week 6.
2) Download the Peer Review Feedback Form from Blackboard.
3) Comment on all criteria, noting strengths and / or areas for improvement on the feedback form.
4) Provide completed Peer Review Feedback Form and classmate’s paper to your professor.
Note: On-ground students should submit the feedback form and paper to the professor during the
class meeting in which the paper is reviewed; online students should submit the feedback form and
paper to the professor via the Assignment Tab in the course shell.
+ Strengths
Included a defensible, relevant thesis
statement in the first paragraph.
Explain a detailed, viable solution that
supports your thesis. This should be one or
two (1-2) paragraphs.
State, explain, and support the first
advantage (economic, social, political,
environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your
solution. This should be one or two (1-2)
State, explain, and support the second
advantage (economic, social, political,
environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your
solution. This should be one or two (1-2)
State, explain, and support the third
advantage (economic, social, political,
environmental, ethical/moral, etc.) to your
solution. This should be one or two (1-2)
Provide a concluding paragraph /
transitional paragraph that summarizes the
proposed solution and its advantages.
Develop a coherently structured paper with
effective transitional words, phrases,
sentences, and an introduction, body, and
Support advantage claims with at least
three (3) additional quality relevant
< Opportunities for
+ Strengths
references (at least six (6) total for Parts 1
and 2).
Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting
< Opportunities for
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