2 Portfolio Project - Hypothetical Case Scenario

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One of the major tasks in case management is to obtain information and effectively document that information. Your task is to develop a hypothetical case scenario based upon your project topic. Then you will use that scenario to complete your own intake and assessment form.

The case may be an individual client or a family. The 1-2 page case scenario should be in depth and should include all the pertinent information that is necessary to complete an intake and assessment form. Intake and assessment forms should include all pertinent information about the client and may vary greatly based on the agency.

Conduct some online research on intake and assessment forms that are used in human services and develop your own intake and assessment form. The form should be at least 1 page in length.

Combine your hypothetical case scenario and intake and assessment form into a single Word document.

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Strengths Based Case Management and Other Models Strengths-based engagement (SBE) is a philosophical stance that emphasizes a way of being in relationship to and interaction with others. This relational posture influences how we think about change and change-effecting processes. SBE is characterized by a respectful attitude toward others that is distinguishable by five Cs: culturally sensitive, collaborative, client informed, competency based, and change oriented, each of which is imparted in all aspects of helping relationships. SBE is influenced by macrofactors that shape the culture of practice and by microfactors, which are reflected in therapists' personal philosophies or worldviews. Strengths-based practitioners promote change in all aspects of educational, therapeutic, and operational services to encourage and empower others. What strengths-based is: • • • • • Acknowledging people and their suffering and simultaneously seeing and cultivating possibilities for change. Seeing people as being on a continuum in which they have many strengths that have been used in the past to any degree and may be helpful in the future with current concerns and as continuing to learn and develop new skills and abilities. Working to thoroughly understand the influence of problems and the depths of concerns while considering clients' strengths and the possibilities for change. Embracing and using methods and strategies that are a good "fit" for clients. Building hope, the presence of which can open up new possibilities and opportunities for change. HOPE is represented through the acronym: H - Humanism: the importance of human connection, relationships, and connection O - Optimism: a reflection of perspective, which is essential to facing adversity and challenges P - Possibilities: the opportunities for change that come through new perspectives, actions, and interactions E - Expectancy: the view that positive change is always possible and that therapy or other services can be helpful in fostering such change Strengths Based Case Management and Other Models Strengths-based engagement (SBE) is a philosophical stance that emphasizes a way of being in relationship to and interaction with others. This relational posture influences how we think about change and change-effecting processes. SBE is characterized by a respectful attitude toward others that is distinguishable by five Cs: culturally sensitive, collaborative, client informed, competency based, and change oriented, each of which is imparted in all aspects of helping relationships. SBE is influenced by macrofactors that shape the culture of practice and by microfactors, which are reflected in therapists' personal philosophies or worldviews. Strengths-based practitioners promote change in all aspects of educational, therapeutic, and operational services to encourage and empower others. What strengths-based is: • • • • • Acknowledging people and their suffering and simultaneously seeing and cultivating possibilities for change. Seeing people as being on a continuum in which they have many strengths that have been used in the past to any degree and may be helpful in the future with current concerns and as continuing to learn and develop new skills and abilities. Working to thoroughly understand the influence of problems and the depths of concerns while considering clients' strengths and the possibilities for change. Embracing and using methods and strategies that are a good "fit" for clients. Building hope, the presence of which can open up new possibilities and opportunities for change. HOPE is represented through the acronym: H - Humanism: the importance of human connection, relationships, and connection O - Optimism: a reflection of perspective, which is essential to facing adversity and challenges P - Possibilities: the opportunities for change that come through new perspectives, actions, and interactions E - Expectancy: the view that positive change is always possible and that therapy or other services can be helpful in fostering such change
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Intake Assessment Case and Form



Intake Assessment Case and Form
1. Hypothetical Case Scenario
The Fremont Public School is among the largest public schools in Fremont,
California. Though it is a center of learning to most students of Fremont’s metropolitan area,
roughly half of the total student population comes from lower socioeconomic backgrounds,
thereby requiring specialized support from human services agencies to deal with issues of
diversity. As such, the role of a family advocate in the school is to deal with families directed
to him by the school so as to not only assess their needs, but also make referrals, plan to meet
needs and manage cases.
Ben’s History
Ben is a seven-year-old Hispanic male in kindergarten. Since he started attending
Fremont School, he has exhibited behavioural issues including regular fights, and other
inappropriate behaviors. He...

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