Define the theory in your own words- what are the main ideas?

User Generated




This week we're focused on the mainstream IR theories of Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism.

Please pick one theory and complete the steps below:

  1. Define the theory in your own words- what are the main ideas?
  2. What are the strong points of theory? What are the weak points?
  3. Use this theory (and the others if applicable) to explain a current event in international relations.
  4. Read and respond to your classmates- can you apply a different theory to the event they chose? Discuss.

What are the weak points of your chosen theory and why? Be sure to define your terms and to support your answer with references to the course materials (the videos) and/or the lesson for this week.

Your initial post should be at least 350 words.

Original work.

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Explanation & Answer

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International Relations Theories
Institutional affiliation



International Relations Theories
Realism Theory
The approach states that nation-states form the basis of the international relations.
According to realism theory, different countries are only interested in the development of their
powers relative to that of other states. It views the world as a dangerous place where the only
absolute tool is power. A powerful country always has the capabilities to outdo and outlast other
developing nations (Guzzini, 2013). According to the theory, military force is the most reliable
and form of power. The primary interest of a state is the self-preservation. Thus, it is the
responsibility of the state to seek the ability to protect...

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