Write a short essay-Marketing

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Business Finance

Global Marketing Management


The opening vignette of chapter 19 is about Oreo, including its real-time marketing efforts. Read the following very short articles which were the sources for the vignette:

In your essay, analyze the effectiveness of this marketing campaign. Consider the following:

  • What were the target market(s)?
  • Which of the 4 communication objectives (pg. 565) do you think were met? There may be more than one. Support your answer with examples from the campaign.
  • Provide an example of how the communication channels were effectively integrated.

As a reminder, your essay should include an introduction and conclusion. Please do not write short answer responses.

The opening vignette of chapter 19 is about Oreo, including its real-time marketing efforts. Read the following very short articles which were the sources for the vignette:

In your essay, analyze the effectiveness of this marketing campaign. Consider the following:

  • What were the target market(s)?
  • Which of the 4 communication objectives (pg. 565) do you think were met? There may be more than one. Support your answer with examples from the campaign.
  • Provide an example of how the communication channels were effectively integrated.

As a reminder, your essay should include an introduction and conclusion. Please do not write short answer responses.

The essays must be at 2-3 pages, double-spaced with 12-point, Times New Roman font. Each essay must include (1) a well thought-out introduction, with a thesis statement and a brief summary the issues you will discuss, (2) intervening paragraphs, directly responding to the questions/issues, and (3) a concluding paragraph, summarizing you main points. The essays must be supported by references to the text and/or other marketing resources. **All references must be cited on a separate page, which will not be included in the page count for your essay.

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