Recreate 2 excel sheets

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Business Finance


The task is to recreate 2 excel sheets exactly like it is in the pdf forms I have attached. I have also attached the grading rubric for both sheets as well.

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Good  Times  Baked  Goods June  Sales  by  Product Baked  Goods Mixes  and  Kits Cakes Brownie  Boxes Cookie  Boxes Pies Totals:  Units  Sold                                1,476                                  3,765                                  4,509                                  7,653                                  5,275                              22,678 Sales  Dollars $                                        11,808   $                                        94,125   $                                        81,162   $                                    114,795 $                                    116,050 $                                    417,940 Chart  Title   Pies   23%   Cookie  Boxes   34%   Mixes  and  Kits   6%   Cakes   17%   Brownie  Boxes   20%   Revenue  by  Service  Type   Brick  Paving   Landscape  Design   Sodding  &  Seeding   Landscape  Ligh9ng   Irriga9on   John  Student Landscapes  for  Good  Living,  Inc. Revenue,  May-­‐August   Column1 Brick  Paving Landscape  Design Sodding  &  Seeding Landscape  Lighting Irrigation Total May $65,423 $50,927 $20,978 $17,645 $50,987 $205,960 June $90,456 $75,874 $48,765 $35,645 $79,867 $330,607 July $95,934 $98,567 $65,345 $48,763 $54,323 $362,932 August $25,987 $145,769 $96,542 $15,432 $32,312 $316,042 Total Trend $277,800 $371,137 $231,630 $117,485 $217,489 $1,215,541 Revenue,  May-­‐August   $400,000     $350,000     Revenue   $300,000     $250,000     $200,000     $150,000     $100,000     $50,000     $0     May   June   July   August   Months   Brick  Paving   John  Student Landscape  Design   Sodding  &  Seeding   Landscape  LighIng   IrrigaIon   Unit K Independent Challenge 1 Grading Criteria Document Grade Criterion K1. The “K-3” Excel spreadsheet is saved as “K-Landscape Landscape Revenue”. Revenue 2. The worksheet is scaled to one page wide by one page tall. 3. The worksheet data and title are formatted so they look professional and are easy to understand. 4. A stacked area chart is inserted on the worksheet. 5. The stacked area chart is based on the range A4:E9. 6. The stacked area chart is moved so it is positioned directly below the worksheet data. 7. The stacked area chart is enlarged so the lower right-hand corner is aligned with cell G30. 8. The rows and columns are switched so that May, June, July, and August are on the x-axis. 9. The Layout 3 chart layout is applied to the chart. 10. A chart style of the student’s choosing is applied to the chart. 11. The chart title is “Revenue, May-August”. 12. A chart element style of the student’s choosing is applied to the chart title. 13. “Revenue” is added as a rotated vertical axis title. 14. “Months” is added as a horizontal axis title. 15. A chart element style of the student’s choosing is applied to the vertical and horizontal axis titles. 16. Line sparklines are added to the range G5:G10. 17. The sparklines are based on the data in columns B, C, D, and E. 18. The sparklines display all markers. 19. A sparkline style of the student’s choosing is applied to the sparklines. 20. The student’s name is entered in cell A32. 21. A 2-D exploded pie chart is created. 22. The pie chart is based on the range A5:A9, F5:F9. 23. The pie chart is moved to a separate chart sheet named “Revenue by Service Type”. 24. The Layout 2 chart layout is applied to the pie chart. 25. The chart title is “Revenue by Service Type”. 26. The font size of the percentage amount labels is 20 points. 27. The third Text Style in the second row of the Text Styles gallery is applied to the percentage amount labels so they appear white. 28. The font size of the legend is 14 points. 29. The student’s name is aligned with the right margin in the footer of the Revenue by Service Type chart sheet. Total Points: Points 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 50 Unit K Independent Challenge 2 Grading Criteria Document Grade Criterion K-June 1. The “K-4” Excel spreadsheet is saved as “K-June Product Sales. Product Sales 2. The worksheet data and title are formatted so they look professional and are easy to understand. 3. The value in cell B9 is changed from 9,874 to 5,275. 4. A 3-D pie chart is inserted on the worksheet. 5. The pie chart is based on the range A5:B9. 6. The pie chart is moved so it is positioned directly below the worksheet data. 7. The pie chart is enlarged so the lower right-hand corner is aligned with cell G29. 8. The Layout 1 chart layout is applied to the chart. 9. A chart style of the student’s choosing is applied to the chart. 10. A solid fill of the student’s choosing is applied to the chart area. 11. The font size of the labels and percentage amounts in each pie slice is 12 points. 12. The student’s name is entered in cell A31. Total Points: Points 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 3 25
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Good Times Baked Goods
June Sales by Product
Baked Goods
Mixes and Kits
Brownie Boxes
Cookie Boxes

Units Sold

Chart Title

Mixes and Kits

Sales Dollars
$ 114,795
$ 116,050
$ 417,940


Very useful material for studying!


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