Amistad movie review

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In the film Amistad, there are several examples of how Hollywood “whitewashes” films. Briefly describe one specific example of when Amistaduses this whitewashing technique, then describe in detail your reaction to this technique. Explore your thought on why Hollywood approaches racial issues in this way. Be critical in your organization, development, and analysis of your essay and remember to include (at least) one peer reviewed source!

Please pay close attention to the requirements that I have posted. APA format

It can one page but you have to include all the requirements! Thank you.

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Specific requirements for the reaction/exploration essays: . • Original writing, authored by you. 1-3 pages in length. Double spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins on all sides. Word format (*.doc or *.docx). No cover page header should include course information and your name. Identify necessary material used in the essay for example, the film's title, director, date of release, principle actors. When films are references in the paper, the film's title should be underlined. In-text citations and a reference page should be included (APA format). One or more sources - outside sources (meaning written material besides that which is required in class) – must be used. Peer reviewed literature is strongly preferred. Avoid using too much plot summary. You should not spend a great deal of space summarizing the film (assuming one or more films are the subject matter for the essay). Sharing too much plot summary is perhaps one of the most common mistakes that have been made with these assignments. Some plot/story summary is okay, but you are strongly encouraged to limit it to one very brief paragraph (e.g., three or four sentences at the most). Grading criteria for the reaction/exploration essays: O O O O Organization Is there a clear thesis statement that controls and drives the direction of the paper? Are the ideas presented in an orderly sequence that makes sense? Does the paper have a lively introduction that invites further reading? Does the paper have a definitive conclusion that draws the idea(s) together and leaves the reader satisfied? Development Are the ideas explored adequately within the limits established by the thesis statement? Does the paper avoid excessive plot summary? Does the paper offer sufficient detail or enough examples drawn from the film and/or literature to clarify the major points and make them convincing? o o O Page 4 O O O O O . Is the paper's language accurate and effective in making ideas and evidence clear? Does the length of the paper fall within the required range? Does the paper utilize at least one valid outside peer-reviewed source? Does the paper completely avoid the use of Wikipedia? Is the paper original writing by the student? Mechanics Does the paper utilize correct grammar? Is the writing coherent? Is the paper free of typographical errors? Does the paper follow the guidelines per formatting (use of heading, double spacing, proper citation of material, etc.)? оооо
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Amistad’s whitewash
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Amistad is a Spanish name. Amistad, in this case, means friendship which is used ironically
to represent a movie based on a slave ship which was travelling from Cuba to America
(McKissack, & Stanley, 2005). Whitewashing in this concept describes a scenario when a white
actor is used to play a part which initially was supposed to be a non-white character in the movie.
In the film Amistad, whitewashing is evident on t...

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