You have been hired by XYZ University as a consultant. The University leadership is thinking about requiring students to participate in a service learning project in order to graduate.As a case study, the leadership of the University has hired you to evaluate an organization to see if a service learning opportunity would benefit future students and the community. Your initial recommendation is due in week 5 and will be based on the research you collect over the next four weeks.
Week 1 Assignment:
- You should have chosen your social issue in the week 1 discussion. If not, be sure to do so before you begin this assignment.
- Your task is to find a national or international organization that is currently working to effect positive change for the issue you have chosen. For example, if you chose an environmental issue, you might decide to evaluate Greenpeace. Example social issues and organizations.
- XYZ University has required you to find and read the following peer-reviewed article in the EBSCO library. EBSCO Quick Guide.
Vizenor, N., Souza, T., & Ertmer, J. (2016). Benefits of participating in service-learning, business-related classes: Assessing the impact on community partners. Journal for Research in Business Education, 58(1), 1-15.
- You are required to cite the above article to support at least one claim you make in your week 1 assignment.Reference and Citation Quick Guide.
- Turn in a minimum of a 2-3 pages paper following APA guidelines. Click here for the web version of the APA sample paper. Click here for a downloadable version of the APA sample paper.
Paper Requirements:
Complete the following steps.
Step 1: Introduction – Introduce the social issue you have selected. Explain to your reader why this issue is important and why they should be interested. What are the benefits of service learning in causing positive change for this issue? Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section.
Step 2: Community Organization - Introduce the organization you have selected. Briefly describe the organization’s historical background. What is the primary focus of the organization? How does the organization meet the communities’ needs?Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section.
Step 3: Conclusion – Provide a summary of the social issue and how the organization addresses the social issue. Summarize the benefits for students and the community of performing service learning at this organization.Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed article to support your claims in this section.
Step 4: References – On a separate reference page, list all the references you have cited in your paper to support your claims.
Explanation & Answer
Hi, Kindly find attached
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Homeless coalition for the homeless is amongst the oldest nonprofit services provided in
the United States of America. Although the USA is very developed country, there are still some
few Americans living below the poverty line. This few groups of people cannot afford to cater
for some of their basic needs. Because they lack jobs, they cannot earn an income that will
enable them to rent houses for shelter, for this reason, they live on streets or some shanties with
no appropriate shelter that for them like other Americans. The issue of homelessness for this
people is a great concern to all the Americans because we are human we should take good care
of one another. Similar to the other people in the other social groups like mi...