Middle East Politics WW1 to current

User Generated



History of the Modern Middle East

American Military University


Identify five major components that have characterized Middle East politics from World War 1 to the present. Then trace how these elements have contributed to the political crises in each decade from the World War I to the present day. You should have at least one paragraph for each decade for a total of 4-5 pages.

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Explanation & Answer


Name: 1

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Middle East Politics
Fall of Ottoman Empire
After the First World War, the Ottoman Empire split into various states. The emperor
broke into Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Transjordan and Saudi Arabia. In the
1920s the Ottoman Empire broke into small states as stated above. The control of these states
came from western countries such as Albania, Palestine, and Egypt. The countries engaged to
gain their independence. Splitting of the Ottoman Empire was a vital thing for the British and
French. This is because it became easier for the countries to control these countries without
resistance from one another. Eventually, increased resistance from each country to the French
and British rule led to led to conflict.
Conflict in the Middle East is definable by the borders between the territories ruled by
Britain and that of French. They could also accept the rule from the foreigners (Rogan, 2015).
This made these countries to experience extensive conflict with one another. In the 1920s the
Middle East struggled from recovering from the First World War. It had a quiet jihad side of
politics. They focused on their culture of pure Islamic. However, this culture was weak as they
recover from the war. This contributes to an increased conflict between the Middle East and
other countries that did not practice purity as they desired.

Name: 2

Demand for oil
In the 1930s, many Jews faced persecution making them Europe from their own land.
Additionally, European imperiali...

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