write a 4 page essay for an English class

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write a 4 page essay for an English class. Please check the requirements carefully and all the work has to be original. I will attach the requirements and the ad you need to write about. Thank you!

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the opening pages of Cosmopolitan magazine), identify the target audience (like gender and age) and conclude with a thesis (ex. In it's ad for running shoes, Nike depicts the ideal woman as strong, confident, and athletic.) 2. Body paragraphs: Provide supporting evidence for your thesis statement. In other words, how does the ad sell its intended audience on a specific lifestyle, belief, or attitude? Each body paragraph should analyze the ad according to a specific category: product placement, written text, figures, and setting/background. 3. Conclusion: Overall, is the ad persuasive, believable, or memorable? Will it accomplish the advertiser's goals? If so, how? What response do you believe the ad will get from consumers? Format: Your essay should be typed in Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced, and adhere to all MLA guidelines. Your final draft should be a minimum of 4 pages Grading: I will use the following criteria to grade your essays: 1. Content: Does the writer demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between company, product, and consumer? Is the writer able to identify the underlying message of the ad? 2. Detail and Description: Does the writer describe their ad in a detailed manner? 3. Analysis: Does the writer effectively analyze each of their categories? Does the writer explain how and why this ad might appeal to its target audience? 4. Conventions: Is the essay grammatically correct and formatted in MLA style? CARLSBERG DON'T DO THE WEATHER, BUT IF WE DID IT WOULD PROBABLY BE THE BEST WEATHER IN THE WORLD. Probably the best beer in the world. Carlsberg Body فسيلين paragraphs Strong topic Toota horta sentences that relate 24 statement back to your thesis noun Imano Be sure to describe and describe and anal 4 analyze your ab in detail Unpack both the ch ethos, poths logos) product placement figmes, etc) Visual Categores de to 194 * Use transitions between posayagpas i La Calethem to Nike also." abu for ex: Nike depicts the ideal woman as confident tentu bertitutu sabatt br 63 athletic sexy of dond 1847 V 2 Denmark) Introductory paragraph la maymay wood sont pay of sigut porte Begin with general discussion of how ads persude us | cho 1/3 Carlsberg Group of globe braver at ciders, soft drinks introduce your ad (Carlsberg Beer) bottlen hater ( who are they , ukat one they known for etc) a (Copenhagen, sto product of production Houben brief description of ad-santo) Lul Beverages) . में * kola. Udentity placement Clf applicable) Identify target auidence C Be specifics jautiena mais Laubr ett torget etin . conclude with dear thesis statement (This will sevee as the JA roadmap for your ressy) Big picture. Stardead on coolness; ) lozko edin med 100% ने s sexiness manliness beauty etc . memere le ? good understanding of how ndo If so, how and why to Description describe the ad in detal? condusion 0 Sum up to analysis of the ad. If this ad accomplishes the goals of its company - Thesis Thesis statement Per the conclue the introducto . with an identifiable thesis statement Thesis include company target audience cultural message Organization: The bot body paragraph are organized and developed duerding to the writer's thesis statement Introductory = 스 . . Start each body paragraph with a strong topic sentence ? transitiong postes between paragraph. sil Ž ។ phrases Analysis: Identity and analyze how the following chettivo appenas done forward the underlying message of the "ethos, pathos, logos analyze cast@gontes: figner, text elle product placement, brukgrourd etc!
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Rhetorical Analysis
Institutional Affiliation
Advertisements manage to lure someone to buy unnecessary items. The main reason
why most ads will be persuasive is that they rely on a person's weakness. Merchants have
managed to discoverer the weaknesses every will have and will use or control it which leads
us to buy the products they are selling as in the ad in question. The advertisement was first
published in 2010 in the Men's Health magazine. The ad promoted the Carlsberg beer which
is a product formally made by the Carlsberg Group. A brief description of the ad will include
two men who are both seated. One man is sitting on a sunbathing chair while the other man, it
is unclear. They are both holding a Carlsberg beer, and in the middle of them, there is a bowl
filled the same beer and snow with a snow cloud hovering on top of the container. They
appeared to be on top of a beach house. On the upper left side of the ad, there are two women
with one sunbathing next to a swimming pool and the other taking a shower with a rain cloud
hovering on top of her. Also evident is the clear blue sky with some sunshine and a rainbow.
The target audience for this advertisement will be males who are from the age of 25 years to
45 years. Carlsberg Group’s ad managed to gain the targeted audience since it applied various
aspects, the message still fails to establish logos and ethos (Cinzia, 75).
Carlsberg Group is one of the leading brewer companies, which has managed to
employ over thousands and thousands of employees. The company was established in
Denmark in 1847 by its founder, J.C. Jacobsen and has continued to grow over the years. The
growth of the company and the sale of its products, beers, can be attributed to good marketing
which is portrayed by the advertisements that have either aired on the television or have been
printed in magazines (Klaus, 88-101).

Besides, such...

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