Manufacturing Information

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Business Finance


Manufacturing Information

You manage custom orders of Alpine Auto’s luxury automobiles manufacturing division. The company's raw materials consist mainly of fiberglass, metal, plastic and computer technology.

  • Describe what manufacturing information would be important to track. Please make sure to report the accounting documents used to gather and report this information.
  • Add reference

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Manufacturing Information
Alpine Auto`s Luxury automobile manufacturing division used fiberglass, metal,
computer technology and plastics. These raw materials need to be regularly tracked to ensure
that they are not wasted or lost in the manufacturing process. This will ensure that raw materials
are used with an expedition. In making the tracing process to be effective one ensures there is
visibility on the origin of and destination of raw material and other related items in the
production chain.
In tracing the raw materials, a purchase order can be used. This document is sent to the
supplier of raw materials indicating the number of goods that the company needs to proceed with
the production process ...

Really useful study material!


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