You will be asked to watch a video entitled sprawling from grace as a group to learn about land use and urban sprawling problems. This video can be accessed free of charge on https://
Individual Assignment [This assignment is due at midnight on Thursday,Feb.22nd, Please work on this individually outside of class time.
1) How does the suburban settlement pattern reinforce the “car culture” in the U.S.?
2) How might this (suburban settlement) impact on shopping patterns (with regard to the mall, for instance)?
3) What might be the social and environmental impact of rising fuel prices/declining fuel stocks on settlement patterns in the future?
4) In your own words, how would you explain the relationships between urban sprawling and environmental problems?

Explanation & Answer

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Professor’s Name
Video Reflection
How suburban settlement pattern reinforce car culture in USA?
The suburbanization process depends on, and spreads faster under the existence of an
efficient means of transport which enable people to live outside the city but work at the core.
In the United States of America, the most efficient means of transport to the suburban
residential areas is cars. Therefore, suburban settlement increases the need to travel to the city
core on a daily basis since most jobs, and services are concentrated in the city centre. People
living in the suburban areas, therefore, find it easier, and efficient to travel by car rather than
wait for the public means of transport which take time, and are potentially slow. Since families
also have children who seek education at the city core, it is convenient for the family to travel
together in a car rather than boarding different buses which may delay students, or their parents
when going to school, or work.
Lower land rents, and rates are the major attractions for people moving to the suburban
areas of a city. As a result of low rent, people save money which enables them to buy, and
maintain cars including purchasing fuel. As cars ownership increases due to savings, traffic
congestion problems begin to occur. This prompts city authorities to expand the roads, and
improve the general conditions of...