Project 2: Analyzing Visual Rhetoric

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Project 2 asks you to write 1200-1400 words identifying a stakeholders’ argument that has been projected through their visual images. You will think critically about the visual and rhetorical strategies this particular group implements in their campaigns. You will choose two specific images created by the organization about a global or cultural issue (i.e. advertisements, PSAs, or static images used on a website, flyer, billboard, etc.), and analyze how these visual arguments reflect the organization’s goals. Project 2 is a Global Citizens Assignment.

So the stakeholders will be DACA and Trump. Originally it was DACA and Homeland security form the First project.

  • Ethos , Pathos, Logos and Kairos are important .
  • Look at the project 1 file.

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Project 2: Analyzing Visual Rhetoric Terms You Should Know ● Stakeholder: an organization or individual with a vested interest or concern; often financial, but can be influenced by various factors ● Visual Rhetoric: argumentative strategies conveyed through images or design; includes aesthetics, color, media, typography, and space ● Rhetorical Appeals: strategies used in the art of persuasion ○ Ethos: appeal to credibility or morality ○ Pathos: appeal to the emotions ○ Logos: appeal to logic and reason ○ Kairos: appeal to timeliness ● Rhetorical Fallacies: logical errors or inconsistencies in an argument Project Description Project 2 asks you to write 1200-1400 words identifying a stakeholders’ argument that has been projected through their visual images. You will think critically about the visual and rhetorical strategies this particular group implements in their campaigns. You will choose two specific images created by the organization about a global or cultural issue (i.e. advertisements, PSAs, or static images used on a website, flyer, billboard, etc.), and analyze how these visual arguments reflect the organization’s goals. Project 2 is a Global Citizens Assignment. Project Assignment You will write an essay of 1200-1400 words based on the following requirements: 1. select a single stakeholder (commercial or non-profit organization) and present its goals, mission, or message regarding your chosen topic or issue 2. include a thesis that presents the relationship between the two images and the stakeholder’s main argument, including how the two images represent the interests of the stakeholder and its goals, message, or mission 3. provide background on the stakeholder (context) 4. analyze the rhetorical strategies used in both images, taking into consideration audience, message, purpose, rhetorical appeals, and/or rhetorical fallacies, and pointing to specific details from the image to support your claim 5. use at least three sources; one must be a source from the stakeholder, and the others may come from secondary sources about the stakeholder or about the images discussed Assessment This assignment will be evaluated using the Project 2 Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Rogerian Argument American Immigration Council is powerful in helping to voice its concerns on the support of the coalition that guides the permanency and the legislation of the young immigrants that find themselves in a dilemma where there is a termination of the DACA initiatives. Department of Homeland Security focuses on the protection of the community from illegal activities that arise such as terrorists, and this makes it a contribution towards DACA important. More people are losing their status and these calls for the need of the support of the legislation as it guides the solutions presented in support of the policymakers and the bills that ensure that the rights of the children are protected. The opportunities presented by the program helps in ensuring that there is the protection of the children and this guides the need to focus on the reforms in immigration and the creation of the path towards the legalization and the award of the citizenship for the children. The opportunity for the young immigrants to remain the country with the elimination of deportation fears encourages the young people to apply for opportunities as they are issued with work permits, and this helps in ensuring that there is an impact in the social and the economic environment. DACA continues to improve the lives of the people and helps in increasing their productivity in the economy enabling the reduction of the risks faced when they are in the country. The integration of the young people in the society helps in ensuring that there is the provision of the guidance needed in managing the different aspects in the society and this helps in the overall improvement in their skills and the integration in the labor market. There is a need for the address of the fears faced by the young immigrants as it assists in the elimination of the concerns faced as they work in the different fields. There is an analysis of the family relations and the role that it plays in enhancing the functioning of the program. The presentation of the findings of the American Immigration Council is ensuring that there is the development of the policies that help in protecting the young immigrants and the development of an attitude that guides their integration in the society (Wood & Allegro, 2013). There is the argument that there is an improvement in the economy where they are integrated as they work towards securing a future, and this encourages their productivity. It guides the need to widen the policies to cover the education that they receive and their assimilation in the job market. The need for citizenship according to American Immigration Council ensures that there is the development of the policies needed for their eligibility to acquire citizenship and this is important in helping to ease their integration in the community. The American Immigration Council seeks to reduce the number of deportation that has increased, and this is meant to reduce the anxiety among the young immigrants as it affects their productivity in the different sectors that they engage. It creates the need to analyze the policies that help in the elimination of the hardships and the stressful situations that they face (Bono, 2014). The reforms in the immigration sector are essential in helping to change the perception of the young immigrants, and this involves having diverse views on the issues that continue to face the society. The impact of the community in the acceptance of the young immigrants is important as it guides their attainment of education and the analysis of the rising need for their assimilation. Department of Homeland Security is focused on the protection of the American community from any illegal activities. The department is meant to focus on the people that reside in the country illegally and they engage the deportation of the individuals. The analysis of the proper documentation for the young immigrants is one of the challenges that the department continues to face as there is the knowledge that they continue to engage in the society. Their deployment to their countries is meant to ensure that there is increased protection from the department and the reduction of the number of crimes that are likely to occur (Chen & Gill, 2015). The department in the past has received requests for assimilation of the young immigrants and the presentation of the opportunity to continue living in America. The execution of the orders means that there is an analysis of the preliminaries that guide their stay and the documentation that is required in making their stay legal. Different states challenge the policies of change and there is a claim that the number of crimes continues to increase and this calls for the classification of the young immigrant's program and the focus on the benefits that help in the adjustment of the assimilation in the society. The number of lawsuits continues to increase, and this calls for the development of the administrative measures that help in the implementation of the decisions of DACA and complying with the different security concerns in the environment. The need for the enhancement of safety calls for the establishment of the right's strategies with Homeland Security that focuses on the ability of the young people to prosper in the community while engaging in activities that improve their economic benefits (Garcia, 2014). The articulation of the potential changes, in the long run, is essential as it helps in acting in authority on the changes that take place in the community and this develops the interest of the community while focusing on the protection from the young immigrants. Homeland Security advances on the complexities that arise in the assimilation of the young immigrants and this results to the increase in the insecurity levels as many people take advantage of the program. They advocate for the need to focus on the measures that guide their authorization in the different employment opportunities and the need for the filing of the requests that guide their stay in America. There is focus on the various changes in the society and the benefits that help in managing the DACA program and the acceptance of the proposals on their economic benefit in the society (Garcia, 2014). Where all the standards of the legality of the young immigrants are not met, then the Homeland department is mandated to enhance the deportation process. There is guidance on the eligibility of the people and the exercise of the different powers of the department in helping to maintain security and legal measures of the admissibility of the young immigrants, The Department of Homeland and American Immigration Council agree that the existence of the program is meant to enhance the assimilation of the young immigrants and their contribution towards the growth of the economy. The process of assimilation entails following the guidelines and the policies set by the different authorities, and this helps in the management of the authorization process and the action that people should take towards the renewal of their status. The actions of the state in ensuring that the young immigrants are assimilated into the community are essential as it helps in the reduction of the cases of crime. The guidelines that DACA follows are essential for the American immigration and the Department of Homeland as there is focus on the importance of the documentation of the young immigrants and giving them equal opportunities to operate in the society, and this helps in the management of the issues that are likely to arise in the assimilation of the young immigrants. References Bono, M. (2014). When a Rose Is Not a Rose: DACA, the Dream Act, and the Need for More Comprehensive Immigration Reform [article]. Thurgood Marshall Law Review, (2), 193. Chen, A., & Gill, J. (2015). Unaccompanied children and the U.S. immigration system: challenges and reforms. Journal Of International Affairs, (2), 115. Garcia, T. L. (2014). Protecting A Dream: Analyzing The Level Of Review Applicable To Daca Recipients In Equal Protection Cases. Southern Illinois University Law Journal, 39(1), 105. Wood, A. G., & Allegro, L. (2013). Latin American Migrations to the U.S. Heartland: Changing Social Landscapes in Middle America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
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Analyzing Visual Rhetoric
Institutional Affiliation




In the 1990s and mid-2000s, the United States of America started a journey of enforcing
its US/Mexico border by imposing huge unintended consequences. Many of the illegal
immigrants avoided the unintended consequences of crossing the border back and forth and
instead opted to settle permanently in the U.S with their families. Before then, many of the
illegal immigrants who crossed the border back and forth into the U.S were mostly the workingage men who crossed into the U.S for work while living their families back at their home
countries. Around that period, several changes were made to the U.S immigration law that made
it impossible for illegal immigrants to get legal status of residence if they lived in the country
illegally (Hsin & Ortega, 2017). In this case, the children who crossed the border to the United
States with their parents typically grew up in a country where they had no legal status, and they
could never become the legal residents of the United States. The children of these immigrants
became known to be DREAMers after the implementation of the Dream Act piece of legislation
was first introduced I 2001 to help give hope to the children of immigrants. In 2012, the former
President Barack Obama created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program commonly
known as DACA. Although DACA did not offer the DREAMers a permanent residency in the
United States, it indeed granted the dreamers protection from deportation and gave them hope
through a legal permit to work and legally stay in the United States (Hsin & Ortega, 2017).
The Goals, Mission, and Message of DACA
DACA was created with the aim of offering temporary protection of the children of
immigrants by giving them temporary residency and permit to live and work in the United States.
The DREAMers for a long time had been subjected to fear for deportation and lived in constant



state of fear that made them avoid public places such as healthcare institutions, schools and even
churches for fear of deportation (Hsin & Ortega, 2017). Through DACA, the hopes and dreams
of the children of the immigrants were restored as they were able to work and stay in the U.S
legally based on the residency and work permit granted to them through DACA.
Stakeholder background
In September 2017, President Donald Trump through his administration announced his
plan to end DACA, a program that has helped many children of immigrants who had been
disadvantaged for quite a long time. Trump’s administration has been very controversial on
Obama’s executive order that protected millions of the children of immigrants. DACA provides
amnesty to certain undocumented immigrant many of whom came to the United States as
children (McKee & Stuckler, 2017). Recipients of the program were termed dreamers, and
through the program, they can request consideration for differed action for two years which was
subject to renewal. The announcement by President Trump to dismantle DACA was faced with a
lot of criticism because currently the program covers over 800,000 children of immigrants and
dismantling the program would mean that their legal status is curtailed and may have to face
deportation. Earlier this year, president Tr...

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