Needs a 1000 word APA 2 page writing on Emotional Intelligence and how it has help in your life. Need a cover sheet, reference page. Need only 2 References

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Emotional Intelligence
Institutional Affiliation
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability of understanding and dealing with owns and the
emotions of others (Mayer & Geher, 1996). This ability entails three thesauruses: the ability to
harness emotions this is applied mostly in thinking and problem solving, management of own
feelings this is the skill of knowing when to cheer up and calm down and emotional awareness.
This skill is not only crucial to growing children but also crucial to the economy as a whole since
it applies in all the fields in the nation.
This skill has many effects in both the teens, children and even to small children. It
enhances the ability of social relation. To the adults they will be able to relay freely with each
other and later share useful ideas; teens with this skill can positively correlate with others either
in class, relationship and in the day to day curriculum children will, on the other hand, get to play
with each other.
Emotional intelligence better educational performance, with the understanding of others
emotions students get to relate well with their classmates and ...