750-1,000 word Essay on being against abortion

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This essay needs to be 750-1,000 words on being against abortion. The essay should include a introduction (thesis included), 3 body paragraphs (one for each question that is listed below), and the conclusion. The instructions are as follows,

In 750-1,000 words

  1. Summarize the position/argument researched. This should be presented in a clear logical form. This includes translating their rhetoric into: premises and conclusion, identifying the category of propositions, and quality and quantity of the parts.
  2. Identify the assumptions of the position by drawing inferences from their communicated proposition to their position regarding human dignity.
  3. Construct a valid and sound argument that contradicts, challenges, or improves the position of the organization.

At least three academic peer-reviewed sources are required for this paper. In-text citations and references should be presented using APA Style Guide. The rubric will be attached as well.

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1 Unsatisfactory 0.00% 70.0 %Content 20.0 %Summarize Summary of the position/argument position/argumen , including t researched. premises and Including conclusion, premises and identifying the conclusion, category of identifying the propositions, and category of quality and propositions, and quantity of the quality and parts is not quantity of the present. parts. 2 Less than Satisfactory 65.00% Summary of position/argument , including premises and conclusion, identifying the category of propositions, and quality and quantity of the parts is presented but incomplete. 3 Satisfactory 75.00% Summary of position/argument , including premises and conclusion, identifying the category of propositions, and quality and quantity of the parts is presented but in a cursory manner. 4 Good 85.00% 5 Excellent 100.00% Summary of Summary of position/argument position/argument , including , including premises and premises and conclusion, conclusion, identifying the identifying the category of category of propositions, and propositions, and quality and quality and quantity of the quantity of the parts is convincing parts is present, and rooted in insightful and research but may firmly rooted in be outdated. current research. 25.0 %Identify Identification of Identification of Identification of Identification of Identification of the assumptions the assumptions by the assumptions by the assumptions by the assumptions by the assumptions by of the position by drawing inferences drawing inferences drawing inferences drawing inferences drawing inferences drawing from from from from from inferences from communicated communicated communicated communicated communicated their proposition of proposition of proposition of proposition of proposition of communicated human dignity is human dignity is human dignity is human dignity is human dignity is proposition to not present. presented but presented but in a convincing and present, insightful their position incomplete. cursory manner. rooted in research and firmly rooted regarding human but may be in current dignity. 4.2: outdated. research. Examine the connections between ethical communication and human dignity. 25.0 %Construct a Argument that Argument that Argument that Argument that Argument that valid and sound contradicts, contradicts, contradicts, contradicts, contradicts, argument that challenges, or challenges, or challenges, or challenges, or challenges, or contradicts, improves the improves the improves the improves the improves the challenges, or position of the position of the position of the position of the position of the improves the organization is not organization is organization is organization is organization is position of the present. presented but presented but in a convincing and present, insightful organization. 4.4: incomplete. cursory manner. rooted in research and firmly rooted Construct ethical but may be in current arguments. outdated. research. 20.0 %Organization 7.0 %Thesis Paper lacks any Thesis is Thesis is apparent Thesis is clear and Thesis is Development and discernible overall insufficiently and appropriate to forecasts the comprehensive Purpose purpose or developed or purpose. development of and contains the organizing claim. vague. Purpose is the paper. Thesis essence of the not clear. is descriptive and paper. Thesis reflective of the statement makes arguments and the purpose of the appropriate to the paper clear. purpose. 8.0 %Argument Statement of Sufficient Argument is Argument shows Clear and Logic and purpose is not justification of orderly, but may logical convincing Construction justified by the claims is lacking. have a few progression. argument presents conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. 5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. Argument lacks inconsistencies. Techniques of a persuasive claim consistent unity. The argument argumentation are in a distinctive and There are obvious presents minimal evident. There is a compelling flaws in the logic. justification of smooth manner. All Some sources have claims. Argument progression of sources are questionable logically, but not claims from authoritative. credibility. thoroughly, introduction to supports the conclusion. Most purpose. Sources sources are used are credible. authoritative. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis. Frequent and Some mechanical Prose is largely Writer is clearly in repetitive errors or typos are free of mechanical command of mechanical errors present, but they errors, although a standard, written, distract the are not overly few may be academic English. reader. distracting to the present. The Inconsistencies in reader. Correct writer uses a language choice and varied variety of (register) or word sentence structure effective sentence choice are and audiencestructures and present. Sentence appropriate figures of speech. structure is language are correct but not employed. varied. 10.0 %Format 5.0 %Paper Template is not Appropriate Appropriate Format (use of used template is used, template is used. appropriate style appropriately, or but some elements Formatting is for the major and documentation are missing or correct, although assignment) format is rarely mistaken. A lack some minor errors followed correctly. of control with may be present. formatting is apparent. 5.0 Sources are not Documentation of Sources are %Documentation documented. sources is documented, as of Sources inconsistent or appropriate to (citations, incorrect, as assignment and footnotes, appropriate to style, although references, assignment and some formatting bibliography, style, with errors may be etc., as numerous present. appropriate to formatting errors. assignment and style) Appropriate All format template is fully elements are used. There are correct. virtually no errors in formatting style. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.
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Being against Abortion




Many people do not support the killing of innocent life but have opposing views when
talking about the killing of an innocent fetus. No matter the way one looks at this issue, it is
all murder. Not only is abortion is morally wrong it also has numerous negative effect to the
mother regarding the physical health of the mother and her emotional well-being. From a
legal perspective, the question of abortion has been a matter of debate between those who are
pro-life and those who are pro-choice (Lopez, 2012). Those who are pro-life support the ban
of abortion while those who are pro-choice support the argument of letting the woman choose
whether to abort the baby or not. Nevertheless, many of those who are pro-choice are already
dwelling amongst the living. So, how do they get to choose if another person should live or
not? This is the million dollar question that in most cases goes unanswered among those who
are pro-choice. Nevertheless, the debate of the legality has elici...

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