FITM Aviation Planning Deer Valley Airport Report

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Florida Institute of Technology-Melbourne


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AVM 3201 – Aviation Planning Paper Outline Existing Conditions at Deer Valley Airport PAPER INSTRUCTIONS EXISTING CONDITIONS AT DEER VALLEY AIRPORT (DVT) This paper is mandatory, meaning a final course grade of F will be received for this course if it is not submitted. Document the existing conditions at Deer Valley Airport, Arizona. FAA Advisory Circular 150/5070-6b, Airport Master Plans, may be referred for further guidance. If there is a current airport master plan published on the airport’s website, you are not to use it as your primary source of information and data. Your documentation should be in the form of a written paper that includes the following sections: 1.1 AIRPORT BACKGROUND This section should identify as a minimum the name and geographic location of the airport and its role or classification in the NPIAS. You may include brief history of the airport, figures, and other background information available. Sources: Current NPIAS at, and airport website, if available. 1.2 EXISTING AIRPORT FACILITIES This section should describe the airfield facilities (runways, navigational and lighting aids) and the landside (buildings) facilities, support facilities and businesses located on the airport. If an airport diagram is available include it as a figure. Sources: FAA Form 5010 at, and airport website, if available. 1.3 REGIONAL SETTING This section should document the political boundaries of the airport and those entities with jurisdiction over the airport’s operation as well as the land uses surrounding the airport. This section should also identify the airport’s service area as a geographical area such as the city, county, or metropolitan area and the presence of and role of competing airports in the vicinity of DVT. 1.4 SOCIOECONOMIC TRENDS This section should identify the airport’s service area as a geographical area such as the city, county, or metropolitan area and describe the historical trend of socioeconomic data over the past decade and should include population and per capita income. The airport service area’s socioeconomic trends should also be compared to those at the state (Florida) and national level (USA) in the written section and in a table. The most recent ten years of historical data should be provided using primary sources. These sources include:, 1.5 OFF-AIRPORT LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION NETWORK This section should describe the land uses that are adjacent to and surround the airport. Highlight any residential, commercial, industrial, public/institutional, parks/recreation and vacant land uses in the vicinity of the airport. The network of roadways that serve the airport should 1 AVM 3201 – Aviation Planning Paper Outline Existing Conditions at Deer Valley Airport also be described. Include all major interstates or highways that provide local access to the airport in the service area. If applicable, also describe any other modes of ground transportation to the airport such as rail or transit. 1.6 CURRENT AIRPORT ISSUES This section should document any current issues at the airport that have been identified in reports or published articles about the airport. Paper Requirements A good way of getting your paper done on time is to start early. Your paper should have three to five pages of written text excluding appendices. The following requirements must be met: 1. The main body of report should have a minimum of three (3) pages of written text. 2. Report figures and tables should be appropriately titled and sourced and placed in an appendix. 3. Setup the page with 1-inch margins all around. 4. Font: Arial 5. Font Size: 11 6. Line spacing: Single 7. Provide appropriate Headings with section numbers, in bold. 8. Use Headers and Footers. o Name and title of paper in Header. o Page numbers centered in the Footer. 9. Text should be fully justified. 10. Include a list of your references, also separate from the number of pages of content, at the end of the paper. 11. Create a cover for your report that includes the following: o Title o Prepared for: Course Name and Section o Prepared by: Your name o Date Failure to meet these project report requirements will affect your grade. The report will be graded with respect to content, format and grammar. Please refer to the grading outline on the last page of this outline. Project Submission and Due Date Submission of this paper is mandatory, failure to do so will result in a final grade of F for the course. The due date for this paper is noted in the course syllabus. 2 AVM 3201 – Aviation Planning Paper Outline Existing Conditions at Deer Valley Airport Sample Table and Figure Your tables and figures should be numbered, titled, and sourced as shown in the following examples. TABLE 1.1 HISTORICAL POPULATION Year* USA 1 Texas 1 Webb County 2 Laredo 2 1 252,153,092 17,339,904 140,492 140,492 2 255,029,699 17,650,479 147,823 147,823 3 257,782,608 17,996,764 155,742 155,747 4 260,327,021 18,338,319 162,834 162,834 5 262,803,276 18,679,706 169,715 169,715 6 265,228,572 19,006,240 174,365 174,365 7 267,783,607 19,355,427 180,370 180,370 8 270,248,003 19,712,389 186,798 186,798 9 272,690,813 20,044,141 194,087 189,958 10 281,421,906 20,851,820 200,600 193,117 Source: 1U.S. Bureau of Census. 2 Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University Note: *For example, if the most recent full year of historical data ends in 2018, then provide data for the individual years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. 3 AVM 3201 – Aviation Planning Paper Outline Existing Conditions at Deer Valley Airport FIGURE 1.1 AIRPORT DIAGRAM Source:, FAA Airport Diagram 4 AVM 3201 – Aviation Planning Paper Outline Existing Conditions at Deer Valley Airport Planning Technical Report Writing 1. Write in concise clear sentences. Check your spelling and grammar and read your sentences out loud to ensure they make sense. 2. Cite your sources within your text. For example: “According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the population of Brevard County will grow at a rate of 1.5 percent over the next ten years.” 3. Do not use abbreviations within the main body of the document. For example, the symbol for feet or the abbreviation ft. should not be used. Write out the word feet. Similarly, symbols such as % should be written out in full as percent. Symbols in tables are acceptable if there is insufficient space for the full text. 4. You may use acronyms in the main body of the report. However, they should be fully defined the first time they are used. Do not assume the reader knows what they stand for. For instance: Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights (MALSR). After defining the acronym, it may be then used in subsequent text. 5. When using single digit numbers in the main body of the text write out the number and place the numeral itself in brackets. For example: “in 2010, the airport had three (3) active FBOs. If your sentence starts with a number, write out the number regardless of the number of digits. 6. Read other planning study reports to see how information is written out or expressed. 5 AVM 3201 – Aviation Planning Paper Outline Existing Conditions at Deer Valley Airport GRADING RUBRIC MAXIMUM POINTS Grammar Report is clear and eloquent and proper grammar and spelling is used. 10 Content Meets Minimum Page Requirement 5 Airport Background 10 Existing Airport Facilities 15 Regional Setting 15 Socioeconomic Trends 15 Off-Airport Land Use and Transportation Network 10 Current Airport Issues 10 Format Report figures and tables appropriately titled and sourced and placed in an appendix. No tables and figures should be embedded in the text. 2 Page Margins: 1 inch all around Font: Arial Font Size: 11 Line spacing: Single Text: Fully justified. Use Headers and Footers. o Name and title of paper in Header. o Page numbers centered in the Footer. 2 Headings with section numbers 2 References 2 Report Cover 2 6
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Aviation Planning Report – Deer Valley Airport
Meshari Hassan




1.1 Airport Background
Deer Valley Airport – Arizona is a public airport located 24 miles North of central
Phoenix in Arizona, Maricopa County in the United States of America. The Airport location
is also within the Phoenix City limits. According to the Federal Aviation Administration
National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems, Deer Valley Airport was categorized as a reliver
airport for Sky Harbor International Airport. This is according to its systems in 2009 to 2013.
In 20220, the airport was categorized as the fifth busiest Airport in the world after recording
402,444 aircraft movements. The high ranking of the airport was determined by the aircraft’s
movements and the general business of the airport. The ranking attributed to its general
aviation business and its aviation status as it is a home for two common aviation schools. The
airport has served perfectly to reduce air traffic on Sky Harbor thus it is able to accommodate
various segments of civil aviation except commercial passenger service. Also, the airport is
known for its focus on customer safety as the top priority of the organization. Various
services offered at the airport include, avionics repair, fuelling, flight training, maintenance,
aircraft rentals and selling of new and used aircrafts. Deer Valley Airport was founded in
1960 as a private airfield with a single runway with no control tower and there were limited
support amenities and facilities available at the airport. The first master plan of the Deer
Valley Airport was adopted in 1986 by the Phoenix City which focused on lengthening the
runways and construction of amenities. Currently, the airport is one of the business general
Aviation airports in the United States.
1.2. Existing Airport Facilities
The main facilities in the airport include airside facilities which directly support aviation
operations and they include, runways, taxiways, aprons, navigational ways and hangars. The
Airport has long runaways with the longest paved runaway measuring 8,196ft that is 2,498m.



There are two major asphalt runways at the airport. Also, the airport consists of runway
protected areas namely, Runway Safety Area (RSA), Runway Object Free Area (ROFA),
Runway Protection Zone (RPZ), Runway Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ), and Runway Blast Pad.
The main function of the protected areas is to ensure safety of airfield operations. Besides,
the runways use configurations which are useful in determining the speed and direction of the
wind which affects landing distances and take offs. The runway pavements bear strengths
which determine the weight limits below or at which an aircraft is supposed to operate at the
pave ways without causing undue stress to the facilities. The airport also has taxiways which
provide space for air rafts to move around the airfield and connect with airfield components
to provide access to the aircraft aprons and runways. Additionally, the airport has landslide
facilities which include, cutter aviation, the terminal building and Atlantic Aviation FBOs
and fuelling facilities.
Also, the airport offers various services at specific fee charges which include, landing
services, overnight services, ramp services, and Tie town service among others. Also, the
airport serves as a home for various flight training schools which include, Aero guard Flight
training centre, flight training by Jim Pitman and King Air Academy. Other services available
include local food and lodging activities. The local restaurants at the airport include, Deer
Valley Airport restaurant and Rainbow Ryders Restaurant. Moreover, the airport is open to
public as it is publicly owned by the City of Phoenix thus services are available to the public.
1.3 Regional Setting
Deer Valley Airport is located at the Northen limits of Phoenix City. The location is
adjacent to the cities of Scottsdale, Peoria and Glendale. The airport is located in Maricopa
County in the Sonoran Desert which ranges from 500 to 2,500 ft above the mean sea level.



The surrounding environment of the airport encompasses both urban and sub-urban
development and desert.
1.4 Socioeconomic Trends
Deer Valley Airport is ranked as one of the busiest general aviation facilities in the
United States. The airport serves a large part of the general aviation community in Phoenix
and is also a major aviation training centre for commercial pilots across the world. According

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