ELS433N Grand Canyon Story Telling with Fairytales SIOP Plan Paper

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Grand Canyon University


Last tutor did it wrong and need help asap. Please use lesson plan given with template given below along with the class profile . Also check the rubric.

create a SIOP lesson plan that integrates students' reading levels, cultural background, language objectives, content objectives, and best instructional practices for ELLs, as well as authentic assessment for a grade level and content area of your choice.

Use the SIOP lesson plan template, located on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center, and the "Class Profile” to complete this assignment.

From the “Class Profile,” specify a grade-level of your students. Choose a performance objective from the ELA Common Core State Standards to create the content objective for your lesson.

Select the English language proficiency standards based on the needs of your students. Consider applicable language acquisition stages of development in designing your lesson plan.

Utilize strategies and classroom assessment techniques that are appropriate for all ELLs including ELLs with special needs and gifted ELLs.

Integrate the following:

Lesson Preparation

Building Background

Comprehensible Input



Practice & Application

Lesson Delivery

Review & Assessment

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Benchmark - Using SEI Strategies in a SIOP Lesson Plan 10.0% Standards Unsatisfactory 0.00% Less than Satisfactory 65.00% No standards are mentioned in the lesson. Lesson is not aligned to standards. Some standards selected are not adequate for class profile or are not referenced. Satisfactory 75.00% All standards selected are adequate for class profile and are referenced. Lesson is vaguely aligned to standards. Good 85.00% Excellent 100.00% All standards All standards selected selected are are appropriate for adequate for class class profile and are profile and are referenced. Lesson is referenced. Lesson clearly and is aligned to accurately aligned to standards. standards. 10.0% Content and language Missing either content or Both language and Most objectives All objectives are Content and objectives are language objectives. content objectives are provide a path to aligned to standards. Language missing. Content Content and language present, and most are what students will Extensive, wellObjectives vocabulary is not objectives do not provide aligned to standards. know and be able to planned focus on addressed. a clear sense of what Stated language do as a result of the teaching and students will know and objectives provide a lesson. Multiple reviewing content be able to do as a result minimal sense of what strategies for vocabulary before, of the lesson. Objectives students will be able to addressing content during, and after the are unclear, or are do as a result of the vocabulary lesson. unrelated to standards. lesson. Adequate instruction are Incomplete reference to attention is provided to evident. vocabulary instruction. content vocabulary instruction. 20.0% Fails to use the SIOP Uses the SIOP model Uses the SIOP model. All Uses the SIOP Correctly uses the SIOP Model model. The lesson though not all lesson plan lesson plan components model. All lesson SIOP model. All plan is missing many components are are at least minimally plan components lesson components of the required addressed. addressed. The fluency are fully addressed. are fully addressed. components. The skills and activities are The fluency skills Uses exceptionally activities are missing, differentiated. and activities are organized activities weak, or incomplete. differentiated and that create multiple, Skills and activities provide meaningful differentiated, and are not gradepractice with meaningful appropriate. familiar text. opportunities to practice. 30.0% SEI At least one SEI At least one SEI strategy All SEI strategies are All SEI strategies are All SEI strategies are Strategies strategy is not is not completely adequate for all ELLs appropriate for all appropriate for all (Utilizes SEI appropriate for all adequate for all ELLs including ELLs with ELLs including ELLs ELLs including ELLs Strategies listed ELLs including ELLs including ELLs with special needs and gifted with special needs with special needs in assignment.) with special needs special needs and gifted ELLs. and gifted ELLs. and gifted ELLs and and gifted ELLs. ELLs. creatively interwoven into the learning experience. 10.0% Plan is not Plan vaguely integrates Plan integrates Plan integrates Plan clearly and Appropriateness appropriate for the students’ diverse cultural students’ diverse students’ diverse realistically profile of students. backgrounds. Content, cultural backgrounds. cultural integrates students’ materials and strategies Content, materials and backgrounds. diverse cultural are intended for the class strategies are intended Content, materials backgrounds. profile of students, but for the class profile of and strategies are Content, materials could be more fully students, but could be designed for the and strategies are developed. more fully developed. class profile of engaging and wellstudents. designed for the class profile of students. 10.0% Review Assessment is not Assessment is attempted, Assessment is adequate Assessment is Assessment is welland Assessment addressed. but lacks clarity or is not for content and class appropriate for designed and fully developed. profile. All student content and class appropriate for objectives are profile. All student content and class measured. objectives are profile. All student clearly measured. objectives are clearly and creatively measured. 10.0% Surface errors are Frequent and repetitive Some mechanical errors Prose is largely free Prose is completely Mechanics of pervasive enough that mechanical errors or typos are present but of mechanical free of mechanical Writing they impede distract the reader. are not overly errors, although a errors. A variety of (includes communication of Inconsistencies in distracting to the few may be present. effective sentence spelling, meaning. language and/or word reader. Correct and A variety of structures are punctuation, Inappropriate word choice are present. varied sentence effective sentence utilized. Writing is grammar, and choice and/or Sentence structure is structure and audience- structures are engaging and practice language use) sentence construction correct but not varied. appropriate language utilized. related language is are employed. are employed. utilized. SIOP® Lesson Plan Template Name: Date: Course: Grade Level: Subject/Content Area: English Language Arts Topic: Standards (Identify by provided code and wording and include a link to each set.) • Content Standard: • English Language Proficiency Standard: Objectives (Specific, Observable, Measurable. Use professional terms here.) • Content Objective: The student will be able to • Language Objective: The student will be able to Preparation: (What do you need to do to prepare this lesson for use with ELLs? What vocabulary must students know in order to be ready for this lesson? Include meaningful supplementary materials such as video clips, graphs, models, visuals, etc. that will clarify the lesson’s objectives. This should also include differentiated instruction for varying proficiency levels.) Building Background: (How will you link this new concept to students’ background experiences?) Comprehensible Input: (How will you make your communication more understandable? How will you ensure that students are understanding throughout the lesson?) Strategies: (Include specific teaching strategies & learning strategies. You need to name two strategies, just like you did in week 5 and explain how it will be utilized in the lesson.) 1. 2. Interactions: (What peer interaction will be included to help students master the objectives?) Practice/Application: (Include at least 3 different ways for students to practice the skills necessary to meet the objectives. These are not the same as the assessment piece.) • Practice 1: • Practice 2: • Practice 3: Lesson Delivery: (Provide a detailed, step-by-step walk-through of the lesson. It should unfold from beginning to end in this section. It should describe all of the strategies you are using, interaction, and practice activities exactly as they will look during the lesson.) 1. Review/Assessment Evaluation: (Describe how you will review vocabulary/wrap-up the lesson, and also how you will evaluate each student’s level of mastery on each of the stated objectives.) • Vocabulary Review: • Informal Assessment of Lesson Objectives: • Formal Assessment of Lesson Objectives: Class Profile Student Name Native Language Reading Label Writing Label Listening Label Speaking Label Alex Carla Corinda Dante Ester Gael Hugo Ivan Khanh Julian Leia Lynda Uyen Valentino Romanian Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Hungarian Vietnamese Spanish Spanish Spanish Vientamese Spanish Proficient Intermediate Emergent Basic Proficient Basic Proficient Basic Basic Intermediate Basic Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Basic Emergent Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate intermediate Emergent Basic Basic Basic Basic Proficient Intermediate Intermediate Basic Pre-Emergent Basic Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Emergent Intermediate Intermediate Emergent Basic Intermediate Intermediate Proficient Intermediate Emergent Intermediate Proficient Intermediate Proficient Basic Intermediate Intermediate Basic Intermediate Proficient Intermediate © 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Duration: One- Two Lessons Dependent on student outcomes; adjust accordingly Grade/Class/Subject: Grade One, English Language Arts Unit/Theme: Storytelling (Fairy Tales and Folktales) Standards: BC Ministry of Education, English Language Arts, Grade One, Learning Standards Students can recognize the structure and elements of a story. Content Objectives: • Students will create a storyboard of the Three Little Pigs, using pictures and words to organize story events sequentially. Language Objectives: • Students will acquire new vocabulary by reading and discussing The Three Little Pigs as a class and with partners. • Students will orally retell The Three Little Pigs to a partner. Key Vocabulary: Supplementary Materials: For Story Pig, wolf, straw, sticks, bricks, house, blow/blew, huff/puff, build, roof, chimney, pot, fire • • • • • For Sequencing Order, sequence, label, beginning, middle, end • Book: The Three Little Pigs Blank Storyboards (Resource #1) Vocabulary words with pictures (Resource #2) Sequencing cards (Resource #3) Self-assessment poster (Resource #4) Variety of books/props focused on Fairy Tale/Folklore theme Activity Prior to Lesson Within the unit of Storytelling (Fairy Tales and Folktales), it is recommended that a variety of books (at a variety of reading levels) and props be made available to students in the classroom so that they may explore independently. In this way, students will be able to build and activate knowledge of Fairy Tale themes through hands on exploration and free play. Suggested materials include a wand, sword, tiara, cape, shield, magic mirror, character puppets, and a variety of themed books. Fairy Tale and Folklore books (including the Three Little pigs) can be Teacher Notes Prompt EL students to specifically explore The Three Little Pigs before the lesson. Rachael Glenn EDCI 448 found in a variety of languages at The International Children’s Digital Library online (see references). Part 1 (Before Reading) • As a class, orally discuss the content and language objectives so that students understand the expected outcome of the lesson. Goals should be written on the board, accompanied by the blank storyboard for clarity. Students should understand that they will be expected to orally retell the story to a friend, and fill in the storyboard after reading The Three Little Pigs. Student friendly language: I can tell the story of the Three Little Pigs with pictures and writing. I can tell the story of The Three Little Pigs to a friend using new words. • As a group, show students the cover of the book, and ask them if they can read the title. • Give students 2-3 minutes to talk in small groups about what they know about this story, or what they think might happen. During this time, gather ELL students in a separate group to ask them if they know this story in their L1. Complete a brief picture walk, pointing out key visuals that will help with important story vocabulary (pig, wolf, straw, sticks, brick, house, etc.) If time, and if applicable, allow students time to discuss in their L1 if a language is shared. • After the small group share, combine activated knowledge as a class into a visual brainstorm/mind map of key ideas, adding vocabulary/picture cards (resource #2) to the map as they are naturally brought up by students. Ask students questions to elicit any remaining vocabulary. • Ask students for predictions about the story. • What do you think will happen in this story? • Do you think this story will be the same as other stories of The Three Little Pigs you have heard? Ensure to gauge the level to which ELL students are familiar with this story, and how comfortable they are with the vocabulary. Students may not require the picture walk depending on their language proficiency, and may be able to engage with peers in partner sharing. If students are unfamiliar with The Three Little Pigs, and insufficient prior knowledge is activated, the teacher may wish to lead the whole class through a picture walk of the book, making observations about the pictures, and then revisiting the brainstorm/mind map before reading. 1 Rachael Glenn EDCI 448 Part 2 (During Reading) • Using the classroom document camera, project the picture book so that students can see the pictures and text at all times. Remind students to pay close attention to what happens in the story, and of the content objective in which they will retell the story orally/new words/pictures. • Read “The Three Little Pigs” to students. During reading: - Finger point to words as you read aloud. - Check in with student predictions. - Stop to make new predictions. - Stop to explicitly teach the meaning of “no, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin” as this will be unclear to most. - Emphasize repetitive nature of the story by having students join in for the reading of: “Little pig, little pig, let me come in.” “No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin!” “Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.” - Emphasize pictures that will help with vocabulary comprehension. During reading, ensure effective modelling of: - language patterns - expression - pacing Part 3 (After Reading) • After reading the story as a group, look back to the mind map as a group and add any ideas or vocabulary that was learned through reading the story. • Show students a copy of the story sequencing cards (resource #3) that have been cut out and have magnets attached. Place them on the whiteboard in a random order. Ask students if the pictures make sense the way they are arranged. (Answer should be no). Explain to students that stories are told in a particular order so that they make sense. Showcase the meaning of order/sequence to students by explaining that every story has a beginning, middle and end that make up an order. Each card/event has a place it belongs in the story. • As a class, begin to sort the sequencing cards (in left to right order), always checking in with students: “Does this make sense?” “Is this in the correct order?” “Is this how we read it?” • Stop the class sequencing after the beginning and middle portion of the story has been established. Again, emphasize vocabulary words beginning and middle by pointing to the location of sequencing cards. A list of pre-determined partners should be made so that students requiring extra support are paired with someone academically strong. There are many differing versions of The Three Little Pigs; students predictions may have been based on differing stories, and this will likely need to be addressed. During partner work, teacher should circulate to ensure cards have been arranged in an accurate sequence. Check in with students and have them point to the beginning, middle, and end of the story on their sequenced cards. 2 Rachael Glenn • • EDCI 448 Explain to the group that students will be given the same pictures of events from the story, and will need to work in partners to put the remaining events (end) in the correct order. Students will have the class organized cards on the board as a reference, and will work together to sort remaining cards. When the cards have been organized in a left to right sequential order, students will take turns retelling the story to their partner in their own words, using the pictures as cues, to make sure the story is in the right order. After practicing the retelling with their partner, students will be given a blank storyboard in which they are expected to draw pictures of events from the story in the correct order in which they occurred. Students will also be encouraged to add as much text to their pictures as possible. This may include complete sentences, partial sentences, or labelling of pictures using new vocabulary. Ensure to model labelling of pictures. (Differentiated templates are included in the resource section for those who will be able to write sentences). Check in with pairs to ensure students are using explicit language and new vocabulary when retelling. (E.g. If the student says “It blew it down,” lead towards “the wolf blew down the house of sticks.”) During individual work, encourage students to look back to class mind map, vocabulary picture cards, and the picture book for support. Closure/Assessment: • After the listed activities have been completed, look back to the original content and language objectives. Ask students to informally assess how they felt they met these objectives using the classroom self-assessment scale. (See Resources). • The individual sequencing sheets can be assessed to determine the degree to which students were able to successfully sequence The Three Little Pigs, and which vocabulary they were able to successfully use independently. • Students should be given time to add their newly acquired vocabulary to their ongoing personal dictionary (especially order, sequence, label, beginning, middle, end). This can also be used to assess the degree to which students comprehended these new terms. Reflection (After Lesson) 3 Rachael Glenn EDCI 448 References British Columbia Ministry of Education (2017). English language arts: Learning standards. Retrieved from https://www.curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/english-language-arts/1 Gay, M.L. 1994. The 3 little pigs. Toronto, ON: Groundwood Books. Gibbons, Pauline. Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning: Teaching Second Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom-2nd Edition Heinemann: Portsmouth, N.H., 2014. International children’s digital library [Web page]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://en.childrenslibrary.org/ J. Echevarria, M. Vogt, D. Short. Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model, 5th Edition. Pearson Education: New Jersey, 2017. Nadia. (2017). Fun with mama: Three little pigs sequencing cards. Retrieved from http://www.funwithmama.com/three-little-pigs-sequencing-cards/ Pop, L. (2013). Word wall packet: The three little pigs. Retrieved from https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Word-Wall-The-Three-Little-Pigs-948109 Teacher’s Pet. (2016). Smiley face assessment poster. Retrieved from http://displays.tpet.co.uk/#/ViewResource/id198 4 Rachael Glenn EDCI 448 Resource #1 (Part A) 5 Rachael Glenn EDCI 448 Resource #1 (Part B) 6 Rachael Glenn EDCI 448 Resource #2 7 Rachael Glenn EDCI 448 Resource #3 8 Rachael Glenn EDCI 448 Resource #4 9
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here you go!

SIOP® Lesson Plan
Name: Diane Tschopp

Date: 2/20/2018

Course: ESL 433n
Grade Level: 1st

Subject/Content Area: English Language

Topic: Story telling with Fairytales
Standards (Identify by provided code and wording and include a link to each set.)
• Content Standard:
The student will be able to differentiate the content (plot) of a story from another and may
be tell what aspects of one story are common to another story.
• English Language Proficiency Standard:

Objectives (Specific, Observable, Measurable. Use professional terms here.)
• Content Objective:
The student will be able to create a story board about the Three Little Pigs by using
pictures and words to organize the events of the story in sequence.
The students will be able to select perfect vocabulary words about the Three Little
Students will find pictures that fit well in the story about the Three Little Pigs.
• Language Objective:
The student will be able to tell the story of the Three Little Pigs orally to a peer
partner as well as acquire the new vocabulary from the story by reading and
discussion the story with their partners.
The student will be able to verbally describe the story about the Three Little Pigs.
The student will be able to summarize the story about the Three Little Pigs in a
The student will be able to write down Story telling dictionary us...

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