Answer DQ questions

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PCN 540


Topic DQ 1: Describe and discuss validity and reliability. Identify the threats to experimental validity. How would you go about designing an experimental study that will control for/reduce any potential threats to validity and reliability in your study? Provide at least two reliable references used to justify your responses.

Topic 3 DQ 2: A good experimental design serves three purposes, what are those three purposes? Identify a research project that utilizes a quantitative method design. Explain how you would determine the validity and reliability to both the design and the methods of your research.

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Project research
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Project research
Project research
Describe and discuss validity and reliability. Identify the threats to empirical validity. How
would you go about designing an experimental study that will control for/reduce any
potential threats to validity and reliability in your study? Provide at least two reliable
references used to justify your responses.
Reliability in research refers to finding the similar outcome in a subsequent experiment.
Validity illustrates credibility of the experiment in research. Research conducted is expected to
be good policies are implemented as desired by the project manager. Validity is divided into two
sections which include internal and external. Internal validity measures result scheduled while
external measurement generalizes results of the study. Individual measures rely on reliability to
ascertain finding of the study. In reliability, assessment results should be similar to prove the

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