Read the case of Dinler v. City of New York, 607 F.3d. 923 (2d. Cir. 2010) and provide a case brief of at least two pages according to the attached instructions.
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Running head: DINLER V. CITY OF NEW YORK, 607 F.3D.923 (2D.CIR.2010
Dinler v. City of New York, 607 F.3d.923 (2d.Cir.2010
DINLER V. CITY OF NEW YORK, 607 F.3D.923 (2D.CIR.2010
Dinler v. Cty of New York, 607 F.3d.923 (2d.Cir.2010
United States Court of Appeals, second circuit In New York City.
Parties: Michael Schiller, et al. Hacer Dinler, et al., Plaintiffs-Respondents v. New York City
before Cabranes, Wesley and Livingston
Decided on June 09, 2010.
The appeal was presented to the United States Court of Appeals as to whether to issue
writ of mandamus with intention of overturning judicial order that was issued by Southern
District of New York City under judge Richard j. Sillivan of the united States of America
refusing to order production of classified information that was presented in court by New York
City Police ...