public policy analysis : reaction paper

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Public Policy Analysis 401


  • Reaction Paper 6: How soon after a government policy is implemented should its “effective- ness” be evaluated? Use our course readings (either today’s or previous readings) to support your answer.

Book: Kraft, Michael E., and Scott R. Furlong. 2017. Public Policy: Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives. CQ Press.

assigned reading: chapter 6

attached : 2 pics of the grade chart

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Writing a Reaction Paper For students working with Dr. Jonathan Lewallen University of Tampa Dept. of Political Science & International Studies For this course you will write a series of reaction papers based on the assigned reading for a particular class day. Your reaction papers should be no longer than two typed, doublespaced pages with one-inch margins and 12-point, easily-readable font. You will submit your reaction papers through Blackboard in the appropriate place based on the due dates listed on your syllabus. Your reaction papers will help guide class discussion on the relevant class days, so they must be submitted by 10 a.m. on the listed day, before class. You should also bring a copy of your reaction paper to class on the relevant day to help organize your thoughts for discussion. See the syllabus for the course’s late assignment policy. The rest of this document provides guidelines for writing an undergraduate reaction paper. A reaction paper is argumentative—that is, it begins with a thesis statement and uses textual evidence to support that thesis. Your thesis should be analytical; it should express your reading or interpretation of the relevant text. Your reaction paper for a particular class day will address either a question specified in the syllabus or a topic or question of your own choosing. When writing a reaction paper based on your own question or topic, your thesis should be unambiguous and clearly related to the reading for that day. Get to the point. Reaction papers do not require a formal introduction. Avoid “summing up” your reaction paper with a broad statement that does not directly connect to your thesis or by repeating what you’ve already argued; confine your analysis to a thesis and evidence for that thesis. Reaction papers should not summarize the assigned text, except where necessary to support your thesis. You are not required to use secondary sources, and you will probably not have room in a reaction paper to adequately support your thesis with evidence from the assigned text and incorporate additional sources. An exception to this rule is if the prompt asks you to reflect on previous readings as well. If you do cite external sources (books or articles we have not read as part of the course), cite your sources according to an appropriate academic style (the specific citation and reference style is your choice) in a footnote. Saunders Writing Center: For a free face-to-face tutoring session, experienced writing tutors are available in the writing center to assist you in all aspects of your writing. This service is available to all UT students, not just students who are having problems. Take full advantage of this service available to you in the writing center, 323 Plant Hall (phone: 253-6244). You can drop in, call, or go in person to make an appointment. 1 Rubric for Grading Reaction Papers: Full marks in each category are worth one point, each reaction paper is worth 5 points total Thesis: For reaction papers based on provided questions, do you answer the question? For “student’s choice” papers, do you identify an interesting topic, question, or thesis from the relevant reading? Clarity: Is your thesis clearly identifiable and argumentative? Is your analysis easy to follow? Have you used the proper formatting? Analysis: Is your answer to the provided question or other reaction to the assigned reading thoughtful or interesting? How deeply have you engaged with the text? Do you focus on what is in the assigned reading, and not on values or definitions outside the reading that you assume to be universal? Evidence: Is your analysis well supported by the text? Does your evidence connect to and support your thesis? Structure: Is your reaction paper unified or does it wander through several different lines of thought? Do you focus on analysis and avoid summary? Do you avoid repetitive introductions and conclusions? 2 Criteria Scales Excellent Good Adequate Below Adequate Absen Thesis 1.00 0.85 0.75 0.70 0.00 The paper either directly answers the provided question or identifies an interesting thesis. The paper either does not fully address the provided question or the thesis is less interesting. The paper's thesis is only tangentially related to the provided question or assigned reading and is not well thought out. The paper's thesis seems unrelated to the provided question or is otherwise uninteresting The paper contains ng thesis. Clarity 1.00 0.85 0.75 0.70 0.00 The paper's thesis is clearly identifiable and argumentative. The analysis is easy to follow. The paper adheres to the proper formatting guidelines The thesis is less clear and/or less argumentative. The analysis is mostly but not completely easy to follow. The paper adheres to the proper formatting guidelines. The thesis is unclear and not The thesis is unclear or not argumentative enough. The analysis argumentative enough. The paper is mostly difficult to follow. The does not adhere to the proper paper adheres to the proper formatting guidelines. formatting guidelines. The paper contains ng argumentative thesis completely ignores fo guidelines Analysis 1.00 0.85 0.75 0.70 0.00 The paper contains no The author's analysis is thoughtful and interesting and focuses on the assigned reading. The author's analysis focuses on the assigned reading but is less interesting. The author's analysis is somewhat interesting but involves extra-textual sources or knowledge not directly relevant to the question or thesis. The author's analysis shows no real engagement with the assigned reading Evidence 1.00 0.85 0.75 0.70 0.00 The author's analysis is well supported by the assigned reading and the use of the text to support The author's analysis is supported by the assigned reading but the use of the text to provide supporting The author's analysis and use of evidence provides only limited support for the thesis The evidence used seems unconnected to the author's thesis and is not supported in the assigned The author uses no e support of their thesis Total Score: 3.7/5 Close Criteria Scales Excellent Good Adequate Below Adequate Absen THE LITESIS IS UTILIcal aru TIUL The papers ESIS IS Cicany identifiable and argumentative. The analysis is easy to follow. The paper adheres to the proper formatting guidelines. The theSIS IS less clear anrur UI TESS argumentative. The analysis is mostly but not completely easy to follow. The paper adheres to the proper formatting guidelines, argumentative enough. The analysis is mostly difficult to follow. The paper adheres to the proper formatting guidelines. THE LIESIS IS UITGICAL UI TIOL argumentative enough. The paper does not adhere to the proper formatting guidelines. The paper Lunas TIC argumentative thesis completely ignores fo guidelines Analysis 1.00 0.85 0.75 0.70 0.00 The paper contains no The author's analysis is thoughtful and interesting and focuses on the assigned reading The author's analysis focuses on the assigned reading but is less interesting The author's analysis is somewhat interesting but involves extra-textual sources or knowledge not directly relevant to the question or thesis. The author's analysis shows no real engagement with the assigned reading Evidence 1.00 0.85 0.75 0.70 0.00 The author's analysis is well supported by the assigned reading and the use of the text to support their thesis/analysis is skillfully done The author's analysis is supported by the assigned reading but the use of the text to provide supporting evidence is less well done. The author's analysis and use of evidence provides only limited support for the thesis The evidence used seems unconnected to the author's thesis and is not supported in the assigned reading The author uses no e support of their thesis Structure 1.00 0.85 0.75 0.70 0.00 The author avoids a repetitive introduction and conclusion. The paper contains only the minimum necessary summary to establish and support the thesis. The paper is The paper either contains more summary than necessary or is less unified in producing evidence and analysis in support of its thesis. The paper spends too much time summarizing the reading instead of establishing and supporting an argumentative thesis. The paper's structure is somewhat disjointed. The paper includes either an 1 The paper contains ng introduction, conclusion, or both. unifying structure. The paper spends too much time summarizing the reading. The paper's structure is not adequately Total Score: 3.7/5 Close
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Hoping you are doing great...The work is done: Let me know if you need changes carried.Thanks!!

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Best Time to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Government Policy after Implementation

Implemented government policies are evaluated with an aim to identify the levels of
goals achievement the they have reached (Kraft and Furlong 184). In this context, it is evaluated
soon after there are some consequences on the field it has been implemented to effect, which
might range from hours to many years after.

Evaluation time depends mostly on the category of policy analysis method. There are
four categories of policy analysis methods that include; the economic policy analysis approach;
the ...

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