A two pages writing

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I need a full two pages summary with "three quotations and the argument" about the article Subculture: The Meaning of Style by Dick Hebdige.

Literary Criticism, Philosophy, English,

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Summary of the Meaning of Style by Dick Hebdige
The author takes up a sophisticated topic on the socioeconomic existence and the
development of subcultures during the United Kingdom postwar. Primarily, the author focuses
on the particular types of music of that era and the evident fashionable exteriors that were
depicted by the working class youths. From the arguments raised by the author, with regard to
the various references, the evolution of subcultures was centered on particular styles used by the
artists and the bands during the postwar. They ways of expressions also depicted similarities and
differences between the groups. The formation of the subcultures, on the other hand, was
inclined to the combination of clothing, make-ups, and music. The author also asserts that the
subcultures were motivated by common resistance and in fact...

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