India University plagiarism test, Writing Assignment Homework help
Item 1 In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.Original Source MaterialStudent VersionInstructional designers typically employ models to guide their day-to-day work. Due to the increased practice of the systematic design of instruction in a growing number of settings, available models become more and more proliferated, focusing on particular types and contexts of learning, particular groups of learners or designers, or particular instructional units (either whole curricula or individual modules or lessons.)The main goal of any instructional design process is to construct a learning environment in order to provide learners with the conditions that support desired learning processes. References:Merriënboer, J. J. van. (1997). Training complex cognitive skills. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.The main goal of any instructional design process is to construct a learning environment in order to provide learners with the conditions that support desired learning processes (van Merriënboer, 1997, p. 2). Process models proliferate because more and more designers generate models that focus on specific contexts, learners, or even units of instruction, according to van Merriënboer. References:Merriënboer, J. J. van. (1997). Training complex cognitive skills. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.Which of the following is true for the Student Version above? Word-for-Word plagiarism Paraphrasing plagiarism This is not plagiarismHintsItem 2 In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.Original Source MaterialStudent VersionThe goal of instruction for the behaviorist is to elicit the desired response from the learner who is presented with a target stimulus. To accomplish this, the learner must know how to execute the proper response, as well as the conditions under which that response should be made. Therefore, instruction is structured around the presentation of the target stimulus and the provision of opportunities for the learner to practice making the proper response.References:Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 6(4), 50-71. According to behaviorism, instruction should provide necessary stimulus in order for learners to produce desired response. It is important that the learner must know how to execute the proper response under the required conditions in order to produce the desired response (Ertmer & Newby, 1993). Instruction should provide learner with opportunities that the learner practice to elicit the desired outcome. References:Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 6(4), 50-71. Which of the following is true for the Student Version above? Word-for-Word plagiarism Paraphrasing plagiarism This is not plagiarismHintsItem 3 In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.Original Source MaterialStudent VersionWhile most tutors saw a value in using games, as: 'good for visual/kinesthetic learners'; 'makes teaching and learning more fun, learners are able to work at their own pace'; 'breaks up the lesson, different learner styles'; 'give my students variety and some fun whilst reinforcing their learning'.References:De Freitas, S. I. (2006). Using games and simulations for supporting learning. Learning, Media and Technology, 31(4), 343-358.According to Freitas (2006), games can support the learning styles of visual and kineasthetics learners. Games can make teaching and learning more fun, and learners are able to work at their own pace. Also, games are seen as a break from a lesson in which students reinforce their learning during the break. References:De Freitas, S. I. (2006). Using games and simulations for supporting learning. Learning, Media and Technology, 31(4), 343-358.Which of the following is true for the Student Version above? Word-for-Word plagiarism Paraphrasing plagiarism This is not plagiarismHintsItem 4 In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.Original Source MaterialStudent VersionBecause computer systems exhibit performative intelligence, we can teach them to do tasks. It is this very capability that makes it possible to use computers as an interactive medium for instruction and learning. It is interaction which sets computers systems apart from other media such as books, television, and film.However, present-day computers literally do not understand the culturally bound meanings of the messages which they manipulate during these interactions because such computers lack qualitative intelligence.References:Frick, T. (1997). Artificially intelligent tutoring systems: what computers can and can't know. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 16(2), 107-124. According to Frick (1997), computer systems demonstrate performative intelligence, when compared to other media such as books, television, and film. Computers can be programmed to do things. This feature of computer systems makes them an alternative medium for instruction and learning. However, he claims that computer systems lack the ability to understand the meaning of messages they send and receive during interaction with students and teachers. References:Frick, T. (1997). Artificially intelligent tutoring systems: what computers can and can't know. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 16(2), 107-124. Which of the following is true for the Student Version above? Word-for-Word plagiarism Paraphrasing plagiarism This is not plagiarismHintsItem 5 In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.Original Source MaterialStudent VersionThere is a desperate need for theorists and researchers to generate and refine a new breed of learning-focused instructional design theories that help educators and trainers to meet those needs, (i.e., that focus on learning and that foster development of initiative, teamwork, thinking skills, and diversity). The health of instructional-design theory also depends on its ability to involve stakeholders in the design process. References:Reigeluth, C. M. (1999). What is instructional design theory and how is it changing? In C. M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional-design theories and models volume II: A new paradigm of instructional theory. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.We need theorists and researchers to generate and refine learning-focused instructional design theories. Such theories will help educators and trainers to meet needs that focus on learning and that foster development of initiative, teamwork, thinking skills, and diversity. Instructional-design theory must involve stakeholders in the design process.References:Reigeluth, C. M. (1999). What is instructional design theory and how is it changing? In C. M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional-design theories and models volume II: A new paradigm of instructional theory. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Which of the following is true for the Student Version above? Word-for-Word plagiarism Paraphrasing plagiarism This is not plagiarismHintsItem 6 In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.Original Source MaterialStudent VersionThe lack of specific technology knowledge and skills, technology-supported pedagogical knowledge and skills, and technology-related-classroom management knowledge and skills has been identified as a major barrier to technology integration. Lack of specific technology knowledge and skills is one of the common reasons given by teachers for not using technology. References:Hew, K. F., & Brush, T. (2007). Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research. Educational TechnologyResearch and Development, 55, 223-252.There are many factors that can affect technology integration in schools. Hew and Brush (2007) state that the main factors to technology integration are the lack of specific technology knowledge and skills, technology-supported pedagogical knowledge and skills, and technology-related-classroom management knowledge and skills.References:Hew, K. F., & Brush, T. (2007). Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research. Educational Technology Research and Development, 55, 223-252.Which of the following is true for the Student Version above? Word-for-Word plagiarism Paraphrasing plagiarism This is not plagiarismHintsItem 7 In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.Original Source MaterialStudent VersionContent could be presented in a variety of formats via multimedia. Dynamic processes could be illustrated. Content in the form of text, still pictures, video, sound, graphics, or animations could be digitally or analogically encoded and stored in electronic, magnetic, and optical technologies. This encoded information could be transmitted literally around the world in a matter of seconds. References:Frick, T. (1991). Restructuring education through technology. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.With the rapid advance in information technologies, people around the world can access information quickly. Information takes the form of text, still pictures, video, sound, graphics, or animations, which are stored and transferred electronically through these computational technologies.References:Frick, T. (1991). Restructuring education through technology. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.Which of the following is true for the Student Version above? Word-for-Word plagiarism Paraphrasing plagiarism This is not plagiarismHintsItem 8 In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.Original Source MaterialStudent VersionScience classrooms offer at least five ways to individualize and to enhance students'learning using games and simulations beyond what is possible in informal settings. First, teachers can assign students to teams based on detailed knowledge of learners' intellectual and psychosocial characteristics. Second, in contrast to relatively unguided learning in contexts outside of school, science teachers can alter their classroom instruction and support based on the feedback educational games and simulations provide. Third, science games and simulations are adaptable to students with special needs, allowing them to be mainstreamed in science classrooms. Fourth, educational games and simulations can prepare students to take full advantage of real world field trips in science classrooms. Fifth, teachers through their knowledge of students can relate virtual experiences in science games and simulations to what is happening in the real world or in their personal lives.References:Dede, C. (2009). Learning context: Gaming, gaming simulations, and science learning in the classroom. Paper commissioned for the National Research Council Workshop on Gaming and Simulations, October 6-7, Washington, DC. Retrieved from: pdf According to Dede (2009), different games can be assigned and used based on students' characteristics. Information about student performance when playing games can help science teachers plan subsequent classroom activities. Games also can be utilized for students with special needs, which can be selected to match their ability levels. Which of the following is true for the Student Version above? Word-for-Word plagiarism Paraphrasing plagiarism This is not plagiarismHintsItem 9 In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.Original Source MaterialStudent VersionI accept the point that whenever learning occurs, some medium or mix of media must be present to deliver instruction. However, if learning occurs as a result of exposure to any media, the learning is caused by the instructional method embedded in the media presentation. Method is the inclusion of one of a number of possible representations of a cognitive process or strategy that is necessary for learning but which students cannot or will not provide for themselves.References:Clark, R. E. (1994). Media will never influence learning. Educational technology research and development, 42(2), 21-29.Media do not influence learning. Learning takes place because of the instructional methods represented in the medium which are used, rather than medium itself. It is the instructional methods which influence learning.References:Clark, R. E. (1994). Media will never influence learning. Educational technology research and development, 42(2), 21-29.Which of the following is true for the Student Version above? Word-for-Word plagiarism Paraphrasing plagiarism This is not plagiarismHintsItem 10 In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.Original Source MaterialStudent VersionThe concept of systems is really quite simple. The basic idea is that a system has parts that fit together to make a whole; but where it gets complicated - and interesting - is how those parts are connected or related to each other. There are many kinds of systems: government systems, health systems, military systems, business systems, and educational systems, to name a few. References:Frick, T. (1991). Restructuring education through technology. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Retrieved from Frick (1991) claims that systems, including both business systems, and educational systems, are actually very simple. The main idea is that systems "have parts that fit together to make a whole" (The nature of systems in education section, para. 1). What is further interesting to Frick is how those parts are connected together.References:Frick, T. (1991). Restructuring education through technology. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Retrieved from Which of the following is true for the Student Version above? Word-for-Word plagiarism Paraphrasing plagiarism This is not plagiarism