Formal Business Email

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In a formal business e-mail, invite a small team of fellow employees to a strategic planning meeting to discuss planning strategies for the annual community outreach festival that you outlined in your Unit 1 memo. Because this will be a relatively informal and highly anticipated meeting, include tasteful graphics, and use a cordial and professional tone. Be sure to explain the goals of the upcoming meeting in this invitation. The format must follow general business writing guidelines. Be sure to include a To field, Subject line, greeting, signature, and signature block.


Unit 2 Individual Project Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Purpose of e-mail is an invitation to a strategic planning meeting to discuss planning strategies and specific stated goals for the annual community outreach festival using an appropriately professional tone


Provided specific details that invitees must have to attend the meeting, including date, time, and location


Included at least 1 relevant and appropriate graphic


Utilized professional and consistent formatting, including font and spacing, according to the conventions of a business e-mail and included a To field, Subject line, greeting, signature, and signature block


Utilized appropriate grammar and spelling




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Sample Invite to Planning Meeting/Event/Workshop [Name] [Address] Dear (name) UK Vision Strategy: [Area's] Local Vision Plan Key partners in [Area] have committed to develop a local vision plan, enabling the planning of streamlined and cost effective service provision. We would now like to begin the process of negotiating how the strategic partners can support [Area] with the development of their Local Vision Plan. I attach some more information on the UK Vision Strategy objectives, which will underpin the approach to developing our local Vision Plan. To support this activity we are organising a [meeting/workshop] to [begin/discuss/continue the dialogue] of vision plan development in the area, to which you are cordially invited. When: Add date and time here Where: Add venue address, postcode here In the course of the [meeting/workshop] we aim to bring together key strategic partners in order to establish the need for a local vision plan, and how we will identify the priorities and actions needed in [Area] to bring about positive change. The [meeting/workshop] will therefore involve (area to add brief outline of meeting/workshop activities). A more detailed agenda [will be forwarded to you prior to the event/is attached for information]. Page 1 of 2 Your input to this initiative is of key importance and I hope that you will be able to attend. I would be grateful if you could confirm your availability by [Add Response Deadline Here] through [completion and return of the attached form/email address/telephone call]. I attach information about the UK Vision Strategy for information, and I look forward to meeting you at the event. Yours sincerely Name(s) Designation(s) Organisation(s) Page 2 of 2
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