Cultural Analysis Paper about Asian civilization

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You will be given 1 text and 1 object, then produce a cultural analysis that debates what your chosen text and object tells us about Asian civilization.

For the Cultural Analysis, you should do additional research from at least three scholarly resources (ie. peer- reviewed and reputably published books or articles).

You should select sources that either relate to a single site that we have studied or to one the following themes: Religion and Belief systems; Family and Gender; Politics and Empire; Trade and Foreign Relations; Culture and Literature; Self and Society.

The paper should be in Word or similar format (not pdfs), 4-5 pages, numbered, double-spaced in 12pt font with 1” margins, and contain a title that includes the chosen theme and the chosen site.

You should use the Chicago Notes and Bibliography Style for citations.

Specific instruction is given in the file I uploaded. The paper should be original and organized.

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For the final paper, you will choose 1 text and 1 object to produce a cultural analysis that debates what your chosen text and object tells us about Asian civilization. You can either rewrite sources that you have already written (for the Primary Source Analysis) or choose new sources. But whereas in the Primary Source Analysis, you are not required to do any research (ie. seek information from sources external to the object), for the Cultural Analysis, you should do additional research from at least three scholarly resources (ie. peer- reviewed and reputably published books or articles). This is an opportunity to use the skills and ideas developed in the course to build on your original research and interpret these primary sources in the context of their time. The paper should be in Word or similar format (not pdfs), 4-5 pages, numbered, doublespaced in 12pt font with 1” margins, and contain a title that includes the chosen theme and the chosen site. You should use the Chicago Notes and Bibliography Style for citations. No need for sub titles. Your paper should be structured as follows: 1. In your introductory paragraph, you should explain why you have chosen the source, and which theme or site of Asian civilization you will be discussing. In this paragraph, you should state a main thesis or interpretation about the two sources – how you will interpret them. Throughout the paper, you should support that thesis with evidence from the sources. 2. In the first main section of the paper, you should provide a full description of the first source, as you did in the primary sources analysis. As in the Primary Source Analysis, you should ensure that the following questions are addressed: What is your object/text? When and where was it made/written? How was it made/written? Who made/wrote it? What does it look like? / What does it say? How would you classify the form and style of the text/object? Who was the intended audience? Was there an unintended audience? What does this text/ object tell us about the society in which it was created? Does it tell us about the views and values of the author or the maker? Who does the text’s voice /object represent? What does this object/text tell us about the society in which it was produced? But for this Cultural Analysis you should be progressing from close reading and analysis to interpreting the source as a cultural document – exploring the significance of the source in the its historical context. You should draw upon what you can learnt of that time in class lectures but you should also be including further research on this source, so that you are able to place it in a more complete cultural and historical context. This research, in at least two scholarly sources (peer-reviewed and reputably published books and articles), should enable you to compare it to other texts or objects of that time, and address the following questions: To what extent is your object/text representative? How far, does this object / text reflect its time in terms of its values? Why is this object/text important? What does this object/text tell us about Asian civilization? 3. In the second main section of the paper, you should repeat Step 2 for the second object or text. 4. In the third main section of the paper, you should discuss what the comparison or dialogue between the object and text allows us to learn of Asian civilization in general, and specifically your chosen site or theme. 5. In your concluding paragraph, you should summarize your findings, highlight the advantages and limitations of textual or material analysis, and point to further questions you would like to address.
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Tang Dynasty is taken or regarded to be one of the most glorious periods in the history of
China. Through the establishment of trade routes, the dynasty underwent internationalization.
Women are also believed to have been treated well as compared to the previous as well as the
successive dynasties of that time. In as far as Tang dynasty is concerned, this paper is going to
discuss the role of women in Tang Dynasty as well as Tang China's court culture. These are the
two major themes. Based on these two themes as well, the object chosen is ‘Zhang Xuan (ca.
710-748), (Song dynasty copy), Spring Outing of the Lady of the State of Guo, ink and colors on
silk' and the text chosen is a poem called ‘Song of Lasting Pain' written by Bai Juyi. The reason
why I have chosen these two sources is that they were done during the period of Tang Dynasty
and with their interpretation, the nature of how women were treated as well as the nature and
culture of the courts can as well be realized. ‘Song of lasting pain' for example is a poem that
narrates the sad love story between the emperor Xuanzong of Tang and his wife Yang Guifei.
The source will specifically tell the position of women.
First of all, let us start with the interpretation of the text. The text is ‘Song of Lasting
Pain' written by Bai Juyi. It is a long narrative poem written by the renowned Chinese poet Bai
Juyi (772-846 BCE) during the Tang dynasty. The poem was written in the year 812BCE to
show the lamentation of Yang Guifei, a consort of Emperor Xuanzong.
As stated earlier, the poem narrates the sad love story between the emperor Xuanzong of
Tang and his wife Yang Guifei who was regarded as Xuanzong's most beloved consort. The
poem starts with the narration of how Yang Guifei becomes Xuanzong's consort through her
beautiful smile after Xuanzong decides to look for love. After falling in love, he spent a lot of
time with her in bed leading to him abandoning his duties as a ruler. This caused a rebellion to
break out called Anshi rebellion. The guards forced Xuanzong to kill Yang Guifei since they


blamed her for the rise of the rebellious group. After her death, Xuanzong regained back his
throne after winning against th...

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