case questions

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Business Finance


Watch the video and then answer the questions. Every knowledge points must be very clearly! Provide the work on time! Not an ESSAY, just answer the questions are fine.

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Watch the video titled “surviving competition” (CLICK THE LINK) and answer the following questions. 1. According to Housenbold, success is to "figure out what you're good at, figure out where you can make money, and focus". How is his remark related to strategic management? 2. What industry is Shutterfly competing in? Use the five forces model to briefly analyze this industry. 3. Define Shutterfly's generic business-level strategy. Who is the targeted customer? What customer need does the company satisfy? How does the company use its competencies to satisfy the need? 4. What challenges do you think Shutterfly currently has? What recommendations do you have? Please make sure to proofread your answers before submission to avoid any spelling and grammar errors. Also make sure they are formatted in a way that is easy for readers to follow. Writing errors and poor format will negatively affect your grade. Each answer should not exceed 350 words.
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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Surviving competition
Question 1
When trying to link the strategic management and the remarks which were made by
Housenbold one thing that can be seen is that in strategic management it all advocates for
developing the plans which will ensure that the goals and the objectives of the organization are
achieved. In most cases when developing any given plan, the process must focus on the issue of
figuring out what the company is good at, where the company needs to make money so that it
can focus on that specific area. With this one can see that household was trying just to argue n
perspective of the strategic management but put it through a personalized perspective. At the
same time, one has to understand that under strategic management the business is under the
continuous evolution as the organization must change its goals and objectives on a timely basis
to fit the ever increasing market demands. It is the same case that housenbald states about the
need for innovation. A business cannot remain static in the market with ever-increasing demands
from the consumers. Any business that fails to innovate will end up failing in the mar...

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